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								Multiplexing sessions (in a one thread design)												The SessionSet API allows applications to make I/O on mutilple rtp sessions				without making blocking I/O, but keeping the main process synchronised.																The scheduled mode must be enabled for all rtp session that are managed through the 				SessionSet API. See rtp_session_set_scheduling_mode().																				See the mrtprecv.c and mrtpsend.c programs included in the library that uses				the SessionSet API to send or receive multiple RTP streams in one thread design.																																												@rtpset: 																												@Returns: 																																@ss: 																																@ss: 				@rtpsession: 								@_set: 				@_session: 																																@ss: 				@rtpsession: 								@_set: 				@_session: 																																@ss: 				@rtpsession: 																																@recvs: 				@sends: 				@errors: 				@Returns: 								@sendrecvs: 				@recv: 				@send: 				@sendrecv: 																																@set: 															
