derby database source code.good for you.

源代码在线查看: case.sql

软件大小: 8803 K
上传用户: tfwangxy
关键词: database source derby code
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


								--				-- this test is for keyword case insensitivity				--								-- Try some of the keywords with mixed case. Don't do all of the keywords, as				-- that would be overkill (either that, or I'm too lazy).								cReAtE tAbLe T (x InT);								CrEaTe TaBlE s (X iNt);								iNsErT iNtO t VaLuEs (1);								InSeRt InTo S vAlUeS (2);								sElEcT * fRoM t;								SeLeCt * FrOm s;								drop table s;								drop table t;							
