import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
public class DemoTable extends JInternalFrame{
public DemoTable(){
super("Demo Table Structure", true, true, true, true);
TableModel tm = new AbstractTableModel(){
String data[][]={
{"Tom" ,"80.0","75.2","82.4","87.6"},
{"Su" ,"60.0","75.2","72.4","77.6"},
{"Jack" ,"90.0","85.2","62.4","67.6"}
String headers[] ={"","Chinese","English","Ecomonics","Math"};
public int getColumnCount(){return headers.length;}
public int getRowCount(){return data.length;}
public String getColumnName(int col){return headers[col];}
public boolean isCellEditable(int row,int col){return true;}
public Object getValueAt(int row,int col){return data[row][col];}
public void setValueAt(Object value,int row,int col){
data[row][col] = (String)value;
};//end of TableModel
JTable jt = new JTable(tm);
JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(jt);
setSize( 350, 150);
setLocation( 150, 20);
}//end of DemoTable()
}//end of class DemoTable