
源代码在线查看: history.m

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关键词: 多普勒 计程仪 工具箱
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				function [theFile] = history(theFile,thecomment)				
				%function [theFile] = history(theFile,thecomment)				%appends the history with the comment requested				%will work on any netcdf file that has the 'history' attribute								%Need to make more generic								% Written by Jessica M. Cote				% for the U.S. Geological Survey				% Coastal and Marine Geology Program				% Woods Hole, MA				% http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/				% Please report bugs to jcote@usgs.gov								%version				%updated 10-Aug-1999 16:20:42				% revised to use lower-case "history" and update creation date				%		attribute as well 03-Aug-2000 Fran Hotchkiss
				% updated 28-Dec-2000 09:00:47 - changed format for linefeeds put into functions (ALR)
								g=netcdf(theFile,'write');								hist=g.history;				if isempty(hist)				   hist=g.History;				   hist=name(hist,'history');				end   				if isempty(hist)				   hist=g.PROG_CMNT1;				   hist=name(hist,'history');				disp(['Global Attribute "PROG_CMNT1" was changed to "history" in file' theFile]);  				end   								g.history=[thecomment hist(:)];				g.CREATION_DATE = datestr(now,0);				close(g)							
