MD5 MD5 hash The MD5 module provide support for computing and manipulating MD5 hashes. MD5 is a hash function with a very low probability of collision. MD5 is considered weaker than SHA. An MD5 can be calculated at one time or incrementally. To create a MD5 at one time, call gnet_md5_new() with the data. To create a MD5 incrementally, call gnet_md5_new_incremental() to create the MD5 object, then gnet_md5_update() one or more times with data to hash, and finally call gnet_md5_final(). To get the digest, or hash value, call gnet_md5_get_digest(). This returns the raw digest as an array of %GNET_MD5_HASH_LENGTH bytes. To get the digest as a human-readable hexidecimal string, call gnet_md5_get_string() or gnet_md5_copy_string(). gchar buffer[] = "Hello world!"; gchar buffer2[] = "Second line"; GMD5* md5; gchar* md5_str; &comstart; Compute an MD5 at one time &comend; md5 = gnet_md5_new (buffer, strlen(buffer)); md5_str = gnet_md5_get_string (md5); g_print ("The MD5 of %s is %s\n", buffer, md5_str); &comstart; Use MD5... &comend; g_free (md5_str); gnet_md5_delete (md5); &comstart; Compute an MD5 incrementally &comend; md5 = gnet_md5_new_incremental (); gnet_md5_update (md5, buffer, strlen(buffer)); gnet_md5_update (md5, buffer2, strlen(buffer2)); gnet_md5_final (md5); &comstart; Use MD5... &comend; gnet_md5_delete (md5); @buffer: @length: @Returns: @str: @Returns: @md5: @Returns: @gmd5: @md5: @gmd5: @Returns: @md5: @buffer: @length: @gmd5: @md5: @gmd5: @p1: @p2: @Returns: @p: @Returns: @md5: @Returns: @gmd5: @md5: @Returns: @gmd5: @md5: @buffer: @gmd5: