
源代码在线查看: sort.m

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				%    A=[11 4 0.2;22 3 0.5;0 3 0.4];
				%    sort(A)
				%SORT   Sort in ascending order.
				%   For vectors, SORT(X) sorts the elements of X in ascending order.
				%   For matrices, SORT(X) sorts each column of X in ascending order.
				%   For N-D arrays, SORT(X) sorts the along the first non-singleton
				%   dimension of X. When X is a cell array of strings, SORT(X) sorts
				%   the strings in ASCII dictionary order.
				%   SORT(X,DIM) sorts along the dimension DIM.
				%   [Y,I] = SORT(X) also returns an index matrix I. If X is a
				%   vector, then Y = X(I).  If X is an m-by-n matrix, then
				%       for j = 1:n, Y(:,j) = X(I(:,j),j); end
				%   When X is complex, the elements are sorted by ABS(X).  Complex
				%   matches are further sorted by ANGLE(X).
				%   Example: If X = [3 7 5
				%                    0 4 2]
				%   then sort(X,1) is [0 4 2  and sort(X,2) is [3 5 7
				%                      3 7 5]                   0 2 4];
				%   See also SORTROWS, MIN, MAX, MEAN, MEDIAN.
				%   Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
				%   $Revision: 5.11 $  $Date: 1997/11/21 23:24:04 $
				%   Built-in function.
				%   Cell array implementation in @cell/sort.m
