function [pvec,LZ,UZ,pcolZ,PZ,PT] = project(A,vec,PT,LZ,UZ,pcolZ,PZ);
%PROJECT Non-orthogonal projector
% pvec = PROJECT(A,vec) is a non-orthogonal projection of vec
% onto null(A).
% pvec = PROJECT(A,vec,PT,LZ,UZ,pcolZ,PZ) is a non-orthogonal
% projection of vec
% onto null(A). PT is a permutation matrix such that A*PT
% has a leading nonsingular m-by-m matrix, A_1,
% where m is the number of rows of A
% PZ*A_1(:,pcolZ) = LZ*UZ, the sparse LU-factorization on A_1.
% [pvec,LZ,UZ,pcolZ,PZ,PT] = project(A,vec) is a non-orthogonal
% projection of
% vec onto null(A). PT is a permutation matrix such that A*PT
% has a leading nonsingular m-by-m matrix, A_1,
% where m is the number of rows of A
% PZ*A_1(:,pcolZ) = LZ*UZ, the sparse LU-factorization on A_1.
% Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 1998/03/27 01:29:32 $
[m,n] = size(A);
if m > n
error('function PROJECT expects A to have more columns than rows');
if nargin < 3 | isempty(PT)
PT = findp(A);
A = A*PT';
vec = PT*vec;
if nargin < 6
[pvec,LZ,UZ,pcolZ,PZ] = fzmult(A,vec,'transpose');
pvec = fzmult(A,vec,'transpose',LZ,UZ,pcolZ,PZ);
pvec = PT'*fzmult(A,pvec,'',LZ,UZ,pcolZ,PZ);