package org.fife.ctags;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Simple class that contains information about a specific tag. This class
* is public domain.
* @author Robert Futrell
* @version 0.1
public class TagEntry {
* The name of this tag entry.
public String name;
* Path of source file containing the definition of this tag.
public String file;
* Pattern for locating source line (may be null if not present).
public String pattern;
* Line number in source file of tag definition (may be zero if not known).
public long lineNumber;
* Kind of tag (may be name, character, or null if not known).
public String kind;
* Whether this tag is of file-limited scope.
public boolean fileScope;
* List of key-value pairs.
public ArrayList fieldList;
* Creates a new TagEntry.
public TagEntry() {
// Initialize a small list, because we have fields dedicated to a
// pattern and line number, which are the common extension fields.
this.fieldList = new ArrayList(1);
* Creates a new TagEntry based on the passed-in ctag
* file line.
* @param line A line from a ctag file on which to create this tag
* entry.
public TagEntry(String line) {
this.fieldList = new ArrayList(1);
* Parses the part of a ctag line that was added as an "extension."
* @param string The extension fields part of a ctag line (i.e.,
* everything after ';"').
private void parseExtensionFields(String string) {
if (string==null)
string = string.trim(); // Cut off leading/trailing whitespace.
String[] keyValuePairs = string.split("\t");
int numKeyValuePairs = keyValuePairs.length;
for (int i=0; i
int colonIndex = keyValuePairs[i].indexOf(':');
// If there was no ':', then this MUST be a 'kind' field (which
// is a single char always).
if (colonIndex==-1) {
kind = keyValuePairs[i];
// MUST be of the form ":".
else {
String key = keyValuePairs[i].substring(0,colonIndex);
String value = keyValuePairs[i].substring(colonIndex+1);
if (key.equals("kind"))
kind = value;
else if (key.equals("file"))
fileScope = true;
else if (key.equals("line"))
lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(value);
else {
fieldList.add(new TagExtensionField(key, value));
} // End of for (int i=0; i
* Parses a line from a ctag file and populates this tag entry with
* appropriate values.
* @param line A line from a ctag file.
public void parseTagLine(String line) {
kind = null;
fileScope = false;
// Get the index of the first tab. Everything before it is the
// entry's name.
int tabIndex = line.indexOf('\t');
if (tabIndex==-1) {
name = line; // Shouldn't really happen? ...
else { // tabIndex!=null.
name = line.substring(0,tabIndex);
// Get the next tab after this one. Everything between these
// tabs is the entry's file name.
int tabIndex2 = line.indexOf('\t', tabIndex+1);
if (tabIndex2==-1) {
file = line.substring(tabIndex+1); // Shouldn't happen...
else {
file = line.substring(tabIndex+1, tabIndex2);
// Next comes either the pattern or the line number
// (usually a pattern, but C #defines have line numbers).
String temp = line.substring(tabIndex2+1);
char tempChar = temp.charAt(0);
if (tempChar=='/' || tempChar=='?') {
/* parse pattern. */
lineNumber = 0;
//entry.pattern = temp;
int curPos = 0, foo=0;
do {
foo = temp.indexOf(tempChar, curPos+1);
if (foo>-1)
curPos = foo;
} while (foo!=-1 && temp.charAt(foo-1)=='\\');
if (foo==-1) {
/* Invalid pattern. */
else {
pattern = temp.substring(0, foo+1);
temp = temp.substring(foo+1);
else if (Character.isDigit(tempChar)) {
/* Parse line number. */
pattern = null;
int i = 0;
while (Character.isDigit(tempChar))
tempChar = temp.charAt(++i);
lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(temp.substring(0,i));
temp = temp.substring(i);
else {
/* Invalid pattern. */
boolean fieldsPresent = temp.startsWith(";\"");
if (fieldsPresent)
} // End of else.
} // End of else.
* Writes this tag entry as a string.
* @return A string representation of this TagEntry.
public String toString() {
return name;