
源代码在线查看: rtextl10ngen.properties

软件大小: 4021 K
上传用户: johni
关键词: 编辑器
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				Plugin.Name=RText L10nGen
				Plugin.Menu.Create=Create Localization Playpen...
				Plugin.Menu.Package=Package Existing Playpen Localization...
				Plugin.Wizard.Common.PPen.Header=Specify the Playpen Directory
				Plugin.Wizard.Common.PPen.Prompt=Playpen directory:
				Plugin.Wizard.Common.Error.DirectoryNotExist=Directory does not exist:\n{0}
				Plugin.Wizard.Common.Error.DirectoryNotCreated=Cannot create directory:\n{0}
				Plugin.Wizard.Common.Locale.Code.Label=Code: {0}
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.DialogTitle=Create a New Localization Playpen
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Intro.Header=Create a Playpen
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Intro.Desc=This wizard will walk you through setting up a "playpen" in which you can create or modify an RText localization.Click Next to continue.
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.PPen.Desc=All files to be translated will be written to a directory called the "playpen." Files in this directory look like Java properties files (key/value pairs), but are in Unicode (UTF-16).  Please specify your playpen location.  If it does not exist, it will be created for you.
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Locale.Header=Specify the Locale
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Locale.Desc=Select the locale for the localization you wish to create or modify.
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Verify.Header=Verify Playpen Creation
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Verify.WillDo.Desc=This wizard will now extract all properties files for the specified locale to the playpen directory.  Any properties files currently missing for that locale in this RText.jar will be automatically created for you.Verify the information below and click Next to continue.
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Completed.Header=Playpen Creation Successful
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Completed.Desc=The playpen has been successfully created!  Since the files in the playpen are encoded in UTF-16LE, please use a Unicode-aware editor to modify them, such as RText.
				Plugin.Wizard.Create.Completed.OpenPlaypenFiles.Desc=Open all playpen files in RText
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.DialogTitle=Package a Localization Playpen for Submission
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.Intro.Header=Package a Playpen
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.Intro.Desc=This wizard will walk you through packaging an RText localization playpen so it can be added to RText.Click Next to continue.
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.PPen.Desc=Please enter the playpen directory you'd like to package.
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.Verify.Header=Verify Playpen Packaging
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.Verify.WillDo.Desc=This wizard will now create ASCII versions of the UTF-16LE properties files in your playpen, and place them in a zip file.Verify the information below and click Next to continue.
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.Verify.ZipFile.Prompt=Zip file:
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.Completed.Header=Playpen Packaging Successful
				Plugin.Wizard.Package.Completed.Desc=The playpen has been successfully packaged into the zip file {0}.Click Finish to exit the wizard.
