class MethodCallWithoutParenthesisTest extends GroovyTestCase { def flag void testMethodCallWithOneParam() { flag = false methodWithOneParam "hello" assert flag } void testMethodCallWithOneParamUsingThis() { flag = false this.methodWithOneParam "hello" assert flag } void methodWithOneParam(text) { println("Called method with parameter ${text}") assert text == "hello" flag = true } void testMethodCallWithTwoParams() { methodWithTwoParams 5, 6 // not allowed in New Groovy // value = methodWithTwoParams 5, 6 def value = methodWithTwoParams(5, 6) assert value == 11 } void testMethodCallWithTwoParamsUsingThis() { def value = this.methodWithTwoParams(5, 6) assert value == 11 } def methodWithTwoParams(a, b) { println("Called method with parameters ${a} and ${b}") return a + b } }