
源代码在线查看: header.pm

软件大小: 207 K
上传用户: bonylee_java
关键词: 论文 管理系统
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				# $Id: Header.pm,v 1.16 2005/11/02 19:34:44 martin Exp $				#				# Copyright 2005 Nature Publishing Group				# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or				# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2				# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.				#				# The Bibliotech::Component::Header class provides a header.								package Bibliotech::Component::Header;				use strict;				use base 'Bibliotech::Component';				use Bibliotech::DBI;								sub last_updated_basis {				  'LOGIN';				}								sub html_content {				  my ($self, $class, $verbose) = @_;				  my $bibliotech = $self->bibliotech;				  my $location = $bibliotech->location;				  my $cgi = $bibliotech->cgi;				  my $username = $bibliotech->request->notes->{'username'};								  my $o = $cgi->div({id => 'logininfo'},						    $username						    ? ('logged in as', $cgi->strong($username), ' ',						       $cgi->a({href => $location.'logout'},							       $cgi->img({src => $location.'logout.gif', alt => 'logout', border => 0, id => 'loginoutbutton'})))						    : (' ', $cgi->a({href => $location.'login'},							       $cgi->img({src => $location.'login.gif', alt => 'login', border => 0, id => 'loginoutbutton'})))						    );								  $o .= $cgi->a({href => $location, class => 'logolink'},							  $cgi->img({src => $location.'connotealogo.gif', alt => 'Connotea', border => 0, id => 'connotealogo'}));								  #$o .= $cgi->div({class => 'clearing'}, ' ');								  return Bibliotech::Page::HTML_Content->simple($o);				}								1;				__END__							
