
源代码在线查看: ascii.h

软件大小: 3586 K
上传用户: smellteen
关键词: Bell TFS 实验室 嵌入式文件系统
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/* 				 * ascii.h				 *				 * ASCII character set definitions.				 *				 * by Nick Patavalis (npat@inaccessnetworks.com)				 *				 *  General notice:				 *  This code is part of a boot-monitor package developed as a generic base				 *  platform for embedded system designs.  As such, it is likely to be				 *  distributed to various projects beyond the control of the original				 *  author.  Please notify the author of any enhancements made or bugs found				 *  so that all may benefit from the changes.  In addition, notification back				 *  to the author will allow the new user to pick up changes that may have				 *  been made by other users after this version of the code was distributed.				 *				 *  Note1: the majority of this code was edited with 4-space tabs.				 *  Note2: as more and more contributions are accepted, the term "author"				 *         is becoming a mis-representation of credit.				 *				 *  Original author:    Ed Sutter				 *  Email:              esutter@lucent.com				 *  Phone:              908-582-2351				 * 				 * $Id: ascii.h,v 1.2 2001/07/13 14:47:23 npat Exp $				 */								#ifndef __ASCII_H__				#define __ASCII_H__								#define ASCII_NUL          0x00				#define ASCII_SOH          0x01				#define ASCII_STX          0x02				#define ASCII_ETX          0x03				#define ASCII_EOT          0x04				#define ASCII_ENQ          0x05				#define ASCII_ACK          0x06				#define ASCII_BEL          0x07				#define ASCII_BS           0x08				#define ASCII_HT           0x09				#define ASCII_LF           0x0A				#define ASCII_VT           0x0B				#define ASCII_FF           0x0C				#define ASCII_CR           0x0D				#define ASCII_SO           0x0E				#define ASCII_SI           0x0F				#define ASCII_DLE          0x10				#define ASCII_DC1          0x11				#define ASCII_DC2          0x12				#define ASCII_DC3          0x13				#define ASCII_DC4          0x14				#define ASCII_NAK          0x15				#define ASCII_SYN          0x16				#define ASCII_ETB          0x17				#define ASCII_CAN          0x18				#define ASCII_EM           0x19				#define ASCII_SUB          0x1A				#define ASCII_ESC          0x1B				#define ASCII_FS           0x1C				#define ASCII_GS           0x1D				#define ASCII_RS           0x1E				#define ASCII_US           0x1F				#define ASCII_SPC          0x20				#define ASCII_EXCL         0x21				#define ASCII_QUOTE        0x22				#define ASCII_HASH         0x23				#define ASCII_DOLLAR       0x24				#define ASCII_PERCENT      0x25				#define ASCII_AMPERSAND    0x26				#define ASCII_APOSTROPHE   0x27				#define ASCII_LEFTPAREN    0x28				#define ASCII_RIGHTPAREN   0x29				#define ASCII_ASTERISK     0x2A				#define ASCII_PLUS         0x2B				#define ASCII_COMMA        0x2C				#define ASCII_MINUS        0x2D				#define ASCII_PERIOD       0x2E				#define ASCII_SLASH        0x2F				#define ASCII_0            0x30				#define ASCII_1            0x31				#define ASCII_2            0x32				#define ASCII_3            0x33				#define ASCII_4            0x34				#define ASCII_5            0x35				#define ASCII_6            0x36				#define ASCII_7            0x37				#define ASCII_8            0x38				#define ASCII_9            0x39				#define ASCII_COLON        0x3A				#define ASCII_SEMICOLON    0x3B				#define ASCII_LESSTHAN     0x3C				#define ASCII_EQUALS       0x3D				#define ASCII_GREATERTHAN  0x3E				#define ASCII_QUEST        0x3F				#define ASCII_AT           0x40				#define ASCII_A            0x41				#define ASCII_B            0x42				#define ASCII_C            0x43				#define ASCII_D            0x44				#define ASCII_E            0x45				#define ASCII_F            0x46				#define ASCII_G            0x47				#define ASCII_H            0x48				#define ASCII_I            0x49				#define ASCII_J            0x4A				#define ASCII_K            0x4B				#define ASCII_L            0x4C				#define ASCII_M            0x4D				#define ASCII_N            0x4E				#define ASCII_O            0x4F				#define ASCII_P            0x50				#define ASCII_Q            0x51				#define ASCII_R            0x52				#define ASCII_S            0x53				#define ASCII_T            0x54				#define ASCII_U            0x55				#define ASCII_V            0x56				#define ASCII_W            0x57				#define ASCII_X            0x58				#define ASCII_Y            0x59				#define ASCII_Z            0x5A				#define ASCII_LEFTBRACKET  0x5B				#define ASCII_BACKSLASH    0x5C				#define ASCII_RIGHTBRACKET 0x5D				#define ASCII_CARET        0x5E				#define ASCII_UNDERSCORE   0x5F				#define ASCII_BACKQUOTE    0x60				#define ASCII_a            0x61				#define ASCII_b            0x62				#define ASCII_c            0x63				#define ASCII_d            0x64				#define ASCII_e            0x65				#define ASCII_f            0x66				#define ASCII_g            0x67				#define ASCII_h            0x68				#define ASCII_i            0x69				#define ASCII_j            0x6A				#define ASCII_k            0x6B				#define ASCII_l            0x6C				#define ASCII_m            0x6D				#define ASCII_n            0x6E				#define ASCII_o            0x6F				#define ASCII_p            0x70				#define ASCII_q            0x71				#define ASCII_r            0x72				#define ASCII_s            0x73				#define ASCII_t            0x74				#define ASCII_u            0x75				#define ASCII_v            0x76				#define ASCII_w            0x77				#define ASCII_x            0x78 				#define ASCII_y            0x79				#define ASCII_z            0x7A				#define ASCII_LEFTBRACE    0x7B				#define ASCII_PIPE         0x7C				#define ASCII_RIGHTBRACE   0x7D				#define ASCII_TILDE        0x7E				#define ASCII_DEL          0x7F								#endif __ASCII_H__							
