function plot3vec(fignum, time, data, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, x_label, plottitle) % This will plot data from a vector of length (:,3) with a time % vector of length (:,1). Other input parameters are the 3 y-axis % labels and the x axis label. Also, there is the plot title. % % plot2vec(fignum, time, data, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, xlabel, plottitle) figure(fignum); subplot(3,1,1); plot(time, data(:,1)); grid on; title(plottitle); ylabel(ylabel1); subplot(3,1,2); plot(time, data(:,2)); grid on; ylabel(ylabel2); subplot(3,1,3); plot(time, data(:,3)); grid on; ylabel(ylabel3); xlabel(x_label);