sphere/readme.doc: The NIST SPeech HEader REsources (SPHERE) Package Version 2.5 To install the SPHERE package from a CD-ROM: Recursively copy the "sphere" directory from the CD-ROM to a writable disk drive. Then, change directory to the copied version and run the UNIX install command. This can be accomplished on a UNIX system with the commands: % cp -r sphere % cd % sh src/scripts/install.sh To install the SPHERE package from a compressed-tar file: Extract the programs from the compressed-tar file then run the UNIX install command. This can be accomplished on a UNIX system with the commands: % zcat sphere_2.5.tar.Z | tar xvf - % cd nist % sh src/scripts/install For a description of SPHERE, read the files, 'doc/sphere.rdm' and 'doc/sphere.doc'. UNIX-style man pages can be found in 'doc/man'. If you're linking the sphere library with code written for SPHERE version 2.0 or 2.1, the argument calls for sp_read_data and sp_write_data have changed. Section VI, "Linking to the SPHERE library" in the document "doc/sphere.doc" describe ways to use the old code without re-writing it.