velocity 的脚本语言的全部代码集合

源代码在线查看: include.cmp

软件大小: 5603 K
上传用户: wzy1
关键词: velocity 脚本 代码 语言
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


												#*								@test include.vm								This template is used for Velocity regression testing.				If you alter this template make sure you change the				corresponding comparison file so that the regression 				test doesn't fail incorrectly.								*#								#include("include.vm" "include.vm")								#set($foo = "subdir/test.txt")								#include($foo)								#*								@test include.vm								This template is used for Velocity regression testing.				If you alter this template make sure you change the				corresponding comparison file so that the regression 				test doesn't fail incorrectly.								*#								#include("include.vm" "include.vm")								#set($foo = "subdir/test.txt")								#include($foo)																This is included text!															
