
源代码在线查看: 网格_极值m.bas

软件大小: 11653 K
上传用户: zhou28
关键词: 算法 lt VB gt
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				Attribute VB_Name = "modGrid"
				Option Explicit
				Public intCol As Integer            '列数
				Public intRow As Integer            '行数
				Public dblArray() As Double         '数据
				Public dblMax As Double             '极大值
				Public dblMin As Double             '极小值
				Sub XYZ(intR As Integer, intC As Integer, dblABC() As Double)
				    Dim intI As Integer, intJ As Integer
				    dblMax = -10000000#: dblMin = 10000000#
				    For intI = 1 To intR
				        For intJ = 1 To intC
				            If dblABC(intI, intJ) > dblMax Then dblMax = dblABC(intI, intJ)
				            If dblABC(intI, intJ) < dblMin Then dblMin = dblABC(intI, intJ)
				        Next intJ
				    Next intI
				End Sub
