jvcl driver development envionment

源代码在线查看: jvcharmapmainfrmu.dfm

软件大小: 11078 K
上传用户: haowfei
关键词: development envionment driver jvcl
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object JvCharMapMainFrm: TJvCharMapMainFrm
				  Left = 313
				  Top = 123
				  Width = 647
				  Height = 430
				  ActiveControl = cbColor
				  Caption = 'JvCharMap Demo'
				  Color = clBtnFace
				  Constraints.MinHeight = 300
				  Constraints.MinWidth = 500
				  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				  Font.Color = clWindowText
				  Font.Height = -11
				  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
				  Font.Style = []
				  OldCreateOrder = False
				  ShowHint = True
				  OnCreate = FormCreate
				  PixelsPerInch = 96
				  TextHeight = 13
				  object lblChars: TLabel
				    Left = 229
				    Top = 8
				    Width = 57
				    Height = 13
				    Anchors = [akTop]
				    Caption = 'C&haracters:'
				  object Panel1: TPanel
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 247
				    Width = 639
				    Height = 156
				    Align = alBottom
				    BevelInner = bvRaised
				    BevelOuter = bvLowered
				    TabOrder = 0
				    object Label1: TLabel
				      Left = 8
				      Top = 8
				      Width = 57
				      Height = 13
				      Caption = '&Start value:'
				      FocusControl = edStart
				    object Label2: TLabel
				      Left = 96
				      Top = 8
				      Width = 51
				      Height = 13
				      Caption = '&End value:'
				      FocusControl = edEnd
				    object Label3: TLabel
				      Left = 192
				      Top = 8
				      Width = 44
				      Height = 13
				      Caption = '&Columns:'
				      FocusControl = edCols
				    object lblFilter: TLabel
				      Left = 8
				      Top = 73
				      Width = 28
				      Height = 13
				      Hint = 
				        'Specifies the Unicode subrange to display. Set to "ufUndefined" ' +
				        'to show StartChar/EndChar range.'
				      Caption = '&Filter:'
				      FocusControl = cbFilter
				    object Label4: TLabel
				      Left = 161
				      Top = 73
				      Width = 34
				      Height = 13
				      Hint = 'This combo is only enabled on non-NT OS'#39'es (Win95/98/Me).'
				      Caption = '&Locale:'
				    object btnFont: TButton
				      Left = 286
				      Top = 124
				      Width = 57
				      Height = 25
				      Caption = '&Font...'
				      TabOrder = 13
				      OnClick = btnFontClick
				    object chkZoomPanel: TCheckBox
				      Left = 8
				      Top = 52
				      Width = 113
				      Height = 17
				      Caption = 'Show &Zoom Panel'
				      Checked = True
				      State = cbChecked
				      TabOrder = 6
				      OnClick = chkZoomPanelClick
				    object edStart: TEdit
				      Left = 8
				      Top = 24
				      Width = 57
				      Height = 21
				      TabOrder = 0
				      Text = '0'
				      OnChange = edStartChange
				    object udStart: TUpDown
				      Left = 65
				      Top = 24
				      Width = 15
				      Height = 21
				      Associate = edStart
				      Max = 32767
				      TabOrder = 1
				    object edEnd: TEdit
				      Left = 96
				      Top = 24
				      Width = 65
				      Height = 21
				      TabOrder = 2
				      Text = '0'
				      OnChange = edEndChange
				    object udEnd: TUpDown
				      Left = 161
				      Top = 24
				      Width = 15
				      Height = 21
				      Associate = edEnd
				      Max = 32767
				      TabOrder = 3
				    object edCols: TEdit
				      Left = 192
				      Top = 24
				      Width = 65
				      Height = 21
				      TabOrder = 4
				      Text = '1'
				      OnChange = edColsChange
				    object udColumns: TUpDown
				      Left = 257
				      Top = 24
				      Width = 15
				      Height = 21
				      Associate = edCols
				      Max = 32767
				      Position = 1
				      TabOrder = 5
				    object cbColor: TJvColorComboBox
				      Left = 8
				      Top = 126
				      Width = 113
				      Height = 20
				      ColorNameMap.Strings = (
				        'clLtGray=Light Gray'
				        'clDkGray=Dark Gray'
				        'clMoneyGreen=Money Green'
				        'clSkyBlue=Sky Blue'
				        'clMedGray=Medium Gray'
				        'clActiveCaption=Active Caption'
				        'clInactiveCaption=Inactive Caption'
				        'clWindowFrame=Window Frame'
				        'clMenuText=Menu Text'
				        'clWindowText=Window Text'
				        'clCaptionText=Caption Text'
				        'clActiveBorder=Active Border'
				        'clInactiveBorder=Inactive Border'
				        'clAppWorkSpace=Application Workspace'
				        'clHighlightText=Highlight Text'
				        'clBtnFace=Button Face'
				        'clBtnShadow=Button Shadow'
				        'clGrayText=Gray Text'
				        'clBtnText=Button Text'
				        'clInactiveCaptionText=Inactive Caption Text'
				        'clBtnHighlight=Button Highlight'
				        'cl3DDkShadow=3D Dark Shadow'
				        'cl3DLight=3D Light'
				        'clInfoText=Info Text'
				        'clInfoBk=Info Background'
				        'clHotLight=Hot Light'
				        'clGradientActiveCaption=Gradient Active Caption'
				        'clGradientInactiveCaption=Gradient Inactive Caption'
				        'clMenuHighlight=Menu Highlight'
				      ColorDialogText = 'Custom...'
				      DroppedDownWidth = 113
				      NewColorText = 'Custom'
				      Options = [coText, coCustomColors]
				      TabOrder = 11
				    object cbFont: TJvFontComboBox
				      Left = 128
				      Top = 125
				      Width = 153
				      Height = 22
				      DroppedDownWidth = 153
				      MaxMRUCount = 0
				      FontName = 'System'
				      ItemIndex = 0
				      Sorted = False
				      TabOrder = 12
				    object chkUnicode: TCheckBox
				      Left = 192
				      Top = 52
				      Width = 59
				      Height = 17
				      Caption = '&Unicode'
				      TabOrder = 8
				      OnClick = chkUnicodeClick
				    object reInfo: TRichEdit
				      Left = 354
				      Top = 52
				      Width = 272
				      Height = 96
				      Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
				      ScrollBars = ssBoth
				      TabOrder = 15
				      WordWrap = False
				    object btnSelect: TButton
				      Left = 548
				      Top = 13
				      Width = 75
				      Height = 25
				      Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
				      Caption = 'Se&lect'
				      TabOrder = 14
				      OnClick = btnSelectClick
				    object cbFilter: TComboBox
				      Left = 8
				      Top = 90
				      Width = 145
				      Height = 21
				      Style = csDropDownList
				      Enabled = False
				      ItemHeight = 13
				      TabOrder = 9
				      OnClick = cbFilterClick
				    object cbLocales: TComboBox
				      Left = 161
				      Top = 90
				      Width = 129
				      Height = 21
				      Style = csDropDownList
				      ItemHeight = 13
				      TabOrder = 10
				      OnClick = cbLocalesClick
				    object chkShadow: TCheckBox
				      Left = 120
				      Top = 52
				      Width = 73
				      Height = 17
				      Hint = 
				        'Shows and hides the drop shadow.'#13#10'Also, when checking/unchecking' +
				        ', the shadow is offset randomly from the zoom panel.'#13#10' Default o' +
				        'ffset value is 2px.'
				      Caption = 'Shado&w'
				      TabOrder = 7
				      OnClick = chkShadowClick
				    object chkDisplayAll: TCheckBox
				      Left = 270
				      Top = 54
				      Width = 79
				      Height = 17
				      Caption = '&Display all'
				      TabOrder = 16
				      OnClick = chkDisplayAllClick
				  object FontDialog1: TFontDialog
				    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clWindowText
				    Font.Height = -11
				    Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
				    Font.Style = []
				    Left = 48
				    Top = 192
				  object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
				    Left = 128
				    Top = 192
				    object Copy1: TMenuItem
				      Caption = 'Copy'
				      ShortCut = 16451
				      OnClick = Copy1Click
