jvcl driver development envionment

源代码在线查看: jvbehaviorlblmainfrmu.dfm

软件大小: 11078 K
上传用户: haowfei
关键词: development envionment driver jvcl
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object JvBehaviorLblMainFrm: TJvBehaviorLblMainFrm
				  Left = 327
				  Top = 118
				  BorderStyle = bsDialog
				  Caption = 'JvBehaviorLabel Demo'
				  ClientHeight = 300
				  ClientWidth = 572
				  Color = clBtnFace
				  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				  Font.Color = clWindowText
				  Font.Height = -11
				  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
				  Font.Style = []
				  OldCreateOrder = False
				  PixelsPerInch = 96
				  TextHeight = 13
				  object lblCodeBreaker: TJvBehaviorLabel
				    Left = 24
				    Top = 18
				    Width = 259
				    Height = 22
				    Behavior = 'CodeBreaker'
				    BehaviorOptions.DecodedText = 'ENTER THE MATRIX!'
				    BehaviorOptions.Interval = 5
				    Alignment = taCenter
				    AutoSize = False
				    Caption = 'x6/yhjSkhHHDski"=90sd'
				    Color = clBlack
				    Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clLime
				    Font.Height = -19
				    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
				    Font.Style = [fsBold]
				    ParentColor = False
				    ParentFont = False
				    ShowAccelChar = False
				  object lblAppearing: TJvBehaviorLabel
				    Left = 300
				    Top = 18
				    Width = 259
				    Height = 22
				    Behavior = 'Appearing'
				    BehaviorOptions.Delay = 10
				    BehaviorOptions.Pixels = 2
				    Alignment = taCenter
				    AutoSize = False
				    Caption = 'MAKE ME APPEAR'
				    Color = clBlack
				    Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clLime
				    Font.Height = -19
				    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
				    Font.Style = [fsBold]
				    ParentColor = False
				    ParentFont = False
				  object lblBlinking: TJvBehaviorLabel
				    Left = 24
				    Top = 91
				    Width = 259
				    Height = 22
				    Behavior = 'Blinking'
				    BehaviorOptions.Interval = 220
				    Alignment = taCenter
				    AutoSize = False
				    Caption = 'BLINK ME'
				    Color = clBlack
				    Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clLime
				    Font.Height = -19
				    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
				    Font.Style = [fsBold]
				    ParentColor = False
				    ParentFont = False
				  object lblBouncing: TJvBehaviorLabel
				    Left = 300
				    Top = 91
				    Width = 259
				    Height = 22
				    Behavior = 'Bouncing'
				    BehaviorOptions.Interval = 12
				    BehaviorOptions.Pixels = 4
				    Alignment = taCenter
				    AutoSize = False
				    Caption = 'BOUNCE ME'
				    Color = clBlack
				    Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clLime
				    Font.Height = -19
				    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
				    Font.Style = [fsBold]
				    ParentColor = False
				    ParentFont = False
				  object lblScrolling: TJvBehaviorLabel
				    Left = 24
				    Top = 163
				    Width = 259
				    Height = 22
				    Behavior = 'Scrolling'
				    BehaviorOptions.Interval = 70
				    Alignment = taCenter
				    AutoSize = False
				    Caption = 'SCROLL ME'
				    Color = clBlack
				    Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clLime
				    Font.Height = -19
				    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
				    Font.Style = [fsBold]
				    ParentColor = False
				    ParentFont = False
				  object lblSpecial: TJvBehaviorLabel
				    Left = 300
				    Top = 163
				    Width = 259
				    Height = 22
				    Behavior = 'Special'
				    BehaviorOptions.Interval = 35
				    Alignment = taCenter
				    AutoSize = False
				    Caption = 'I ACT IN A SPECIAL WAY'
				    Color = clBlack
				    Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clLime
				    Font.Height = -19
				    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
				    Font.Style = [fsBold]
				    ParentColor = False
				    ParentFont = False
				  object lblTyping: TJvBehaviorLabel
				    Left = 24
				    Top = 235
				    Width = 259
				    Height = 22
				    Behavior = 'Typing'
				    BehaviorOptions.Interval = 120
				    Alignment = taCenter
				    AutoSize = False
				    Caption = 'TYPE THE TEXT'
				    Color = clBlack
				    Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clLime
				    Font.Height = -19
				    Font.Name = 'Courier New'
				    Font.Style = [fsBold]
				    ParentColor = False
				    ParentFont = False
				  object btnCodeBreak: TButton
				    Left = 38
				    Top = 50
				    Width = 80
				    Height = 25
				    Caption = '&CodeBreaker'
				    TabOrder = 0
				    OnClick = btnCodeBreakClick
				  object btnAppear: TButton
				    Left = 312
				    Top = 48
				    Width = 80
				    Height = 25
				    Caption = '&Appearing'
				    TabOrder = 1
				    OnClick = btnAppearClick
				  object btnBlink: TButton
				    Left = 38
				    Top = 121
				    Width = 80
				    Height = 25
				    Caption = '&Blinking'
				    TabOrder = 2
				    OnClick = btnBlinkClick
				  object btnBounce: TButton
				    Left = 312
				    Top = 121
				    Width = 80
				    Height = 25
				    Caption = 'B&ouncing'
				    TabOrder = 3
				    OnClick = btnBounceClick
				  object btnScroll: TButton
				    Left = 38
				    Top = 193
				    Width = 80
				    Height = 25
				    Caption = '&Scrolling'
				    TabOrder = 4
				    OnClick = btnScrollClick
				  object btnSpecial: TButton
				    Left = 312
				    Top = 193
				    Width = 80
				    Height = 25
				    Caption = 'S&pecial'
				    TabOrder = 5
				    OnClick = btnSpecialClick
				  object btnType: TButton
				    Left = 38
				    Top = 265
				    Width = 80
				    Height = 25
				    Caption = '&Typing'
				    TabOrder = 6
				    OnClick = btnTypeClick
				  object btnAll: TButton
				    Left = 312
				    Top = 265
				    Width = 80
				    Height = 25
				    Caption = 'Do '#39'em all!'
				    TabOrder = 7
				    OnClick = btnAllClick
