jvcl driver development envionment
源代码在线查看: mainfm.dfm
object MainForm: TMainForm
Left = 32
Top = 93
Width = 965
Height = 678
Caption = 'Controlling Docking from Code'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
ShowHint = True
OnCreate = FormCreate
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object JvSplitter1: TJvSplitter
Left = 0
Top = 477
Width = 957
Height = 3
Cursor = crVSplit
Align = alBottom
object Panel1: TPanel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 113
Height = 477
Align = alLeft
Color = 15399897
TabOrder = 0
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 8
Top = 200
Width = 61
Height = 13
Caption = 'Grabber Size'
object ButtonSibDock: TButton
Left = 6
Top = 6
Width = 99
Height = 25
Hint = 'Create new dockable document window '
Caption = 'Sibling Dock'
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = ButtonSibDockClick
object Button2: TButton
Left = 6
Top = 164
Width = 99
Height = 25
Hint = 'Display number of windows docked in the Custom Docking Area.'
Caption = 'View Dock Tree'
TabOrder = 5
OnClick = Button2Click
object Button3: TButton
Left = 6
Top = 101
Width = 99
Height = 25
Caption = 'Save Layout'
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = Button3Click
object Button4: TButton
Left = 6
Top = 132
Width = 99
Height = 25
Caption = 'Load Layout'
TabOrder = 4
OnClick = Button4Click
object ButtonCreateTabDock: TButton
Left = 6
Top = 72
Width = 99
Height = 25
Hint = 'Create a tabbed multtiple document window'
Caption = 'Tab Dock'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = ButtonCreateTabDockClick
object ButtonCreateConjoin: TButton
Left = 6
Top = 39
Width = 99
Height = 25
Hint = 'Create a tabbed multtiple document window'
Caption = 'Conjoined Dock'
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = ButtonCreateConjoinClick
object SpinEdit1: TSpinEdit
Left = 8
Top = 224
Width = 89
Height = 22
MaxValue = 100
MinValue = 0
TabOrder = 6
Value = 18
OnChange = SpinEdit1Change
object Panel2: TPanel
Left = 113
Top = 0
Width = 844
Height = 477
Align = alClient
Caption = 'Custom Docking Area'
Color = clAppWorkSpace
Font.Color = clWindow
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 1
object Panel3: TPanel
Left = 0
Top = 480
Width = 957
Height = 164
Align = alBottom
Caption = 'PanelBottom'
TabOrder = 2
object MemoTrace: TMemo
Left = 1
Top = 1
Width = 955
Height = 162
Align = alClient
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Courier New'
Font.Style = []
Lines.Strings = (
'Trace Messages go here.')
ParentFont = False
ScrollBars = ssBoth
TabOrder = 0
WordWrap = False
object dockServer: TJvDockServer
LeftSplitterStyle.Color = clGreen
LeftSplitterStyle.Cursor = crHSplit
LeftSplitterStyle.ParentColor = False
RightSplitterStyle.Color = clBlue
RightSplitterStyle.Cursor = crHSplit
RightSplitterStyle.ParentColor = False
TopSplitterStyle.Color = clYellow
TopSplitterStyle.Cursor = crVSplit
TopSplitterStyle.ParentColor = False
BottomSplitterStyle.Color = clRed
BottomSplitterStyle.Cursor = crVSplit
BottomSplitterStyle.ParentColor = False
OnGetClientAlignSize = dockServerGetClientAlignSize
OnFinishSetDockPanelSize = dockServerFinishSetDockPanelSize
OnCustomPanel = dockServerCustomPanel
LeftDock = False
TopDock = False
RightDock = False
BottomDock = False
DockStyle = JvDockVIDStyle1
CustomDock = False
Left = 288
Top = 136
object JvDockVIDStyle1: TJvDockVIDStyle
AlwaysShowGrabber = True
ConjoinServerOption.GrabbersSize = 20
ConjoinServerOption.SplitterWidth = 4
ConjoinServerOption.ActiveFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
ConjoinServerOption.ActiveFont.Color = clWhite
ConjoinServerOption.ActiveFont.Height = -13
ConjoinServerOption.ActiveFont.Name = 'Trebuchet MS'
ConjoinServerOption.ActiveFont.Style = [fsBold]
ConjoinServerOption.InactiveFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
ConjoinServerOption.InactiveFont.Color = 16311512
ConjoinServerOption.InactiveFont.Height = -13
ConjoinServerOption.InactiveFont.Name = 'Trebuchet MS'
ConjoinServerOption.InactiveFont.Style = [fsBold]
ConjoinServerOption.TextAlignment = taLeftJustify
ConjoinServerOption.ActiveTitleStartColor = 14898176
ConjoinServerOption.ActiveTitleEndColor = 16749885
ConjoinServerOption.InactiveTitleStartColor = 14653050
ConjoinServerOption.InactiveTitleEndColor = 15448477
ConjoinServerOption.TextEllipsis = True
ConjoinServerOption.SystemInfo = False
TabServerOption.TabPosition = tpBottom
TabServerOption.ActiveSheetColor = clBtnFace
TabServerOption.InactiveSheetColor = clBtnShadow
TabServerOption.ActiveFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
TabServerOption.ActiveFont.Color = clWindowText
TabServerOption.ActiveFont.Height = -11
TabServerOption.ActiveFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
TabServerOption.ActiveFont.Style = []
TabServerOption.InactiveFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
TabServerOption.InactiveFont.Color = clWhite
TabServerOption.InactiveFont.Height = -11
TabServerOption.InactiveFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
TabServerOption.InactiveFont.Style = []
TabServerOption.HotTrackColor = clBlue
TabServerOption.ShowTabImages = False
TabServerOption.ShowCloseButtonOnTabs = False
Left = 306
Top = 232
object DockIniStorage: TJvAppIniFileStorage
StorageOptions.BooleanStringTrueValues = 'TRUE, YES, Y'
StorageOptions.BooleanStringFalseValues = 'FALSE, NO, N'
SubStorages =
Left = 422
Top = 306