jvcl driver development envionment

源代码在线查看: play.dfm

软件大小: 11078 K
上传用户: haowfei
关键词: development envionment driver jvcl
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object frmPlay: TfrmPlay
				  Left = 252
				  Top = 135
				  Width = 633
				  Height = 567
				  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
				  Caption = 'Play with the TJvLinkLabel!'
				  Color = clBtnFace
				  Constraints.MinHeight = 250
				  Constraints.MinWidth = 350
				  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				  Font.Color = clWindowText
				  Font.Height = -11
				  Font.Name = 'MS Shell Dlg 2'
				  Font.Style = []
				  OldCreateOrder = False
				  Position = poDesktopCenter
				  Scaled = False
				  OnCreate = FormCreate
				  PixelsPerInch = 96
				  TextHeight = 13
				  object LinkLabel: TJvLinkLabel
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 0
				    Width = 330
				    Height = 496
				    Transparent = False
				    Layout = tlTop
				    LinkColor = clBlue
				    LinkColorClicked = clRed
				    LinkColorHot = clLime
				    LinkStyle = []
				    HotLinks = True
				    AutoHeight = True
				    MarginWidth = 0
				    MarginHeight = 0
				    OnLinkClick = LinkLabelLinkClick
				    Align = alClient
				    Color = 8454143
				    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				    Font.Color = clWindowText
				    Font.Height = -13
				    Font.Name = 'Arial'
				    Font.Style = []
				    ParentColor = False
				    ParentFont = False
				    OnMouseMove = LinkLabelMouseMove
				  object Splitter1: TSplitter
				    Left = 330
				    Top = 0
				    Width = 9
				    Height = 496
				    Cursor = crHSplit
				    Align = alRight
				    Beveled = True
				    ResizeStyle = rsUpdate
				  object Panel1: TPanel
				    Left = 339
				    Top = 0
				    Width = 286
				    Height = 496
				    Align = alRight
				    BevelOuter = bvNone
				    TabOrder = 0
				    object Panel3: TPanel
				      Left = 0
				      Top = 0
				      Width = 286
				      Height = 125
				      Align = alTop
				      BevelOuter = bvNone
				      TabOrder = 0
				      object btnRefresh: TButton
				        Left = 4
				        Top = 100
				        Width = 277
				        Height = 21
				        Caption = 'Refresh'
				        TabOrder = 0
				        OnClick = btnRefreshClick
				      object rgTextLayout: TRadioGroup
				        Left = 4
				        Top = 4
				        Width = 93
				        Height = 93
				        Caption = ' Vert Alignment '
				        Items.Strings = (
				        TabOrder = 1
				        OnClick = rgTextLayoutClick
				      object gbMargin: TGroupBox
				        Left = 100
				        Top = 4
				        Width = 89
				        Height = 93
				        Caption = ' Margin '
				        TabOrder = 2
				        object Label1: TLabel
				          Left = 12
				          Top = 16
				          Width = 28
				          Height = 13
				          Caption = 'Width'
				        object Label2: TLabel
				          Left = 12
				          Top = 52
				          Width = 31
				          Height = 13
				          Caption = 'Height'
				        object edMarginW: TJvValidateEdit
				          Left = 12
				          Top = 28
				          Width = 49
				          Height = 21
				          CheckChars = '01234567890'
				          CriticalPoints.CheckPoints = cpNone
				          CriticalPoints.ColorAbove = clBlue
				          CriticalPoints.ColorBelow = clRed
				          EditText = '0'
				          PasswordChar = #0
				          TabOrder = 0
				          Text = '0'
				          Value = 0
				          OnChange = edMarginWChange
				        object edMarginH: TJvValidateEdit
				          Left = 12
				          Top = 64
				          Width = 49
				          Height = 21
				          CheckChars = '01234567890'
				          CriticalPoints.CheckPoints = cpNone
				          CriticalPoints.ColorAbove = clBlue
				          CriticalPoints.ColorBelow = clRed
				          EditText = '0'
				          PasswordChar = #0
				          TabOrder = 1
				          Text = '0'
				          Value = 0
				          OnChange = edMarginHChange
				        object updnW: TUpDown
				          Left = 61
				          Top = 28
				          Width = 15
				          Height = 21
				          Associate = edMarginW
				          Min = 0
				          Position = 0
				          TabOrder = 2
				          Wrap = False
				        object updbH: TUpDown
				          Left = 61
				          Top = 64
				          Width = 15
				          Height = 21
				          Associate = edMarginH
				          Min = 0
				          Position = 0
				          TabOrder = 3
				          Wrap = False
				      object gbMousePos: TGroupBox
				        Left = 192
				        Top = 4
				        Width = 89
				        Height = 93
				        Caption = ' Mouse Pos '
				        TabOrder = 3
				        object Label4: TLabel
				          Left = 5
				          Top = 16
				          Width = 76
				          Height = 13
				          Alignment = taCenter
				          Caption = 'TLinkLabel (X,Y)'
				        object LnkLblMousePos: TLabel
				          Left = 5
				          Top = 32
				          Width = 80
				          Height = 14
				          Alignment = taCenter
				          AutoSize = False
				          Caption = 'Memo (X,Y)'
				    object TreeView: TTreeView
				      Left = 0
				      Top = 125
				      Width = 286
				      Height = 371
				      Align = alClient
				      Indent = 19
				      TabOrder = 1
				  object Panel2: TPanel
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 496
				    Width = 625
				    Height = 41
				    Align = alBottom
				    BevelOuter = bvNone
				    TabOrder = 1
				    OnResize = Panel2Resize
				    object Bevel1: TBevel
				      Left = 0
				      Top = 0
				      Width = 625
				      Height = 2
				      Align = alTop
				    object Edit: TEdit
				      Left = 8
				      Top = 8
				      Width = 613
				      Height = 21
				      TabOrder = 0
				      OnChange = EditChange
