jvcl driver development envionment

源代码在线查看: jvthumbnailmainformu.dfm

软件大小: 11078 K
上传用户: haowfei
关键词: development envionment driver jvcl
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				object JvThumbnailMainForm: TJvThumbnailMainForm
				  Left = 106
				  Top = 59
				  Width = 893
				  Height = 647
				  Caption = 'JvThumbView Demo'
				  Color = clBtnFace
				  Constraints.MinHeight = 430
				  Constraints.MinWidth = 760
				  DefaultMonitor = dmDesktop
				  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
				  Font.Color = clWindowText
				  Font.Height = -11
				  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
				  Font.Style = []
				  OldCreateOrder = True
				  Position = poDesktopCenter
				  Scaled = False
				  OnShow = FormShow
				  PixelsPerInch = 96
				  TextHeight = 13
				  object PageControl1: TPageControl
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 0
				    Width = 885
				    Height = 596
				    ActivePage = TabSheet1
				    Align = alClient
				    TabIndex = 0
				    TabOrder = 0
				    object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
				      Caption = 'ThumbView Component'
				      object Splitter1: TSplitter
				        Left = 153
				        Top = 46
				        Width = 3
				        Height = 522
				        Cursor = crHSplit
				      object Panel1: TPanel
				        Left = 0
				        Top = 0
				        Width = 877
				        Height = 46
				        Align = alTop
				        TabOrder = 0
				        object Label1: TLabel
				          Left = 148
				          Top = 3
				          Width = 150
				          Height = 17
				          Alignment = taCenter
				          AutoSize = False
				          Caption = 'Thumbnail size'
				        object Label2: TLabel
				          Left = 2
				          Top = 5
				          Width = 145
				          Height = 15
				          Alignment = taCenter
				          AutoSize = False
				          Caption = 'Select Drive'
				        object Label3: TLabel
				          Left = 612
				          Top = 3
				          Width = 61
				          Height = 16
				          Hint = 'Change the thumbgup to change the space between the thumbnails '
				          Alignment = taCenter
				          AutoSize = False
				          Caption = 'Gap:'
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				        object Label4: TLabel
				          Left = 677
				          Top = 4
				          Width = 61
				          Height = 16
				          Hint = 'Change the selected to select the Nth element in the list.'
				          Alignment = taCenter
				          AutoSize = False
				          Caption = 'Selected:'
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				        object TrackBar1: TTrackBar
				          Left = 148
				          Top = 15
				          Width = 150
				          Height = 28
				          Hint = 
				            'Change the size property to change the size of the thumbs it acc' +
				            'epts values for 10..100'
				          Max = 100
				          Min = 10
				          Orientation = trHorizontal
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          PageSize = 10
				          Frequency = 10
				          Position = 100
				          SelEnd = 0
				          SelStart = 0
				          ShowHint = True
				          TabOrder = 0
				          TickMarks = tmTopLeft
				          TickStyle = tsNone
				          OnChange = TrackBar1Change
				        object DriveComboBox1: TJvDriveCombo
				          Left = 2
				          Top = 22
				          Width = 145
				          Height = 22
				          DriveTypes = [dtFixed, dtRemote, dtCDROM]
				          Offset = 4
				          ItemHeight = 16
				          TabOrder = 1
				        object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
				          Left = 304
				          Top = 2
				          Width = 103
				          Height = 17
				          Hint = 
				            'Set AutoScrolling to true to let the Thumbview component scroll ' +
				            'the selected thumb into the screen automatically'
				          Caption = 'AutoScrolling'
				          Checked = True
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				          State = cbChecked
				          TabOrder = 2
				          OnClick = CheckBox1Click
				        object CheckBox2: TCheckBox
				          Left = 304
				          Top = 24
				          Width = 103
				          Height = 17
				          Hint = 
				            'Set AutoHandlekeyb to true to let the Thumbview Cupture the curs' +
				            'or key and navigate through the view using them'
				          Caption = 'AutoHandleKeyb'
				          Checked = True
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				          State = cbChecked
				          TabOrder = 3
				          OnClick = CheckBox2Click
				        object SpinEdit1: TSpinEdit
				          Left = 611
				          Top = 21
				          Width = 64
				          Height = 22
				          Hint = 'Change the thumbgup to change the space between the thumbnails '
				          MaxLength = 3
				          MaxValue = 300
				          MinValue = 1
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				          TabOrder = 4
				          Value = 1
				          OnChange = SpinEdit1Change
				        object SpinEdit2: TSpinEdit
				          Left = 676
				          Top = 20
				          Width = 64
				          Height = 22
				          Hint = 'Change the thumbgup to change the space between the thumbnails '
				          MaxValue = 0
				          MinValue = 0
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				          TabOrder = 5
				          Value = 0
				          OnChange = SpinEdit2Change
				        object CheckBox3: TCheckBox
				          Left = 411
				          Top = 2
				          Width = 58
				          Height = 17
				          Hint = 
				            'Set Sorted to true to sort the files found in the directory by n' +
				            'ame (other posibilities in the next version)'
				          Caption = 'Sorted'
				          Checked = True
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				          State = cbChecked
				          TabOrder = 6
				        object CheckBox4: TCheckBox
				          Left = 411
				          Top = 24
				          Width = 103
				          Height = 17
				          Hint = 
				            'Set Sorted to true to sort the files found in the directory by n' +
				            'ame (other posibilities in the next version)'
				          Caption = 'MinMemory'
				          Checked = True
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				          State = cbChecked
				          TabOrder = 7
				          OnClick = CheckBox4Click
				        object Button1: TButton
				          Left = 489
				          Top = 3
				          Width = 117
				          Height = 20
				          Caption = 'Stop Loading'
				          Enabled = False
				          TabOrder = 8
				          OnClick = Button1Click
				        object Button2: TButton
				          Left = 489
				          Top = 24
				          Width = 117
				          Height = 20
				          Caption = 'Edit Selected Thumb'
				          TabOrder = 9
				          OnClick = Button2Click
				      object Panel2: TPanel
				        Left = 0
				        Top = 46
				        Width = 153
				        Height = 522
				        Align = alLeft
				        BevelOuter = bvNone
				        Caption = 'Panel2'
				        TabOrder = 1
				        object DirectoryListBox1: TJvDirectoryListBox
				          Left = 0
				          Top = 0
				          Width = 153
				          Height = 331
				          Hint = 
				            'Set the directory property to the directory where your images lo' +
				            'cated and wach the thumbview creating this thumbs'
				          Align = alClient
				          Directory = 'C:\'
				          DriveCombo = DriveComboBox1
				          ItemHeight = 16
				          ScrollBars = ssBoth
				          TabOrder = 0
				          OnChange = DirectoryListBox1Change
				        object RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup
				          Left = 0
				          Top = 331
				          Width = 153
				          Height = 86
				          Hint = 
				            'Change the AlignView property to either use the thumbGup (VTNorm' +
				            'al) autocalculate the empty space to equall parts(VTSPACEEQUAL) ' +
				            'or Cender the thumbs in the using the htumbgup between them.'
				          Align = alBottom
				          Caption = ' AlignView '
				          ItemIndex = 0
				          Items.Strings = (
				          TabOrder = 1
				          OnClick = RadioGroup1Click
				        object RadioGroup2: TRadioGroup
				          Left = 0
				          Top = 417
				          Width = 153
				          Height = 105
				          Hint = 
				            'Change the ScrollMode to change the direction the thumb are scro' +
				            'lling in the screen SMVertical You will see a vertical scrollbar' +
				            ' SMHorizontal For A horizontal ScrollBar or SMBoth to create a s' +
				            'quare view '
				          Align = alBottom
				          Caption = ' ScrollMode '
				          ItemIndex = 2
				          Items.Strings = (
				          TabOrder = 2
				          OnClick = RadioGroup2Click
				      object Panel3: TPanel
				        Left = 156
				        Top = 46
				        Width = 721
				        Height = 522
				        Align = alClient
				        BevelOuter = bvNone
				        Caption = 'Panel3'
				        TabOrder = 2
				        object Panel4: TPanel
				          Left = 0
				          Top = 506
				          Width = 721
				          Height = 16
				          Hint = 
				            'Read the selectedFile property to get the path+filename of the s' +
				            'elected thumb'
				          Align = alBottom
				          BevelOuter = bvLowered
				          ParentShowHint = False
				          ShowHint = True
				          TabOrder = 0
				        object THumbview1: TJvThumbView
				          Left = 0
				          Top = 0
				          Width = 721
				          Height = 506
				          HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True
				          VertScrollBar.Tracking = True
				          Align = alClient
				          TabOrder = 1
				          TabStop = True
				          OnDblClick = THumbview1DblClick
				          OnMouseUp = THumbview1MouseUp
				          AlignView = vtNormal
				          AutoScrolling = True
				          ThumbGap = 4
				          AutoHandleKeyb = True
				          MinMemory = True
				          MaxWidth = 200
				          MaxHeight = 200
				          Size = 100
				          ScrollMode = smHorizontal
				          Sorted = True
				          OnStartScanning = THumbview1StartScanning
				          OnStopScanning = THumbview1StopScanning
				          OnScanProgress = THumbview1ScanProgress
				          OnChange = THumbview1Change
				          OnKeyUp = THumbview1keyup
				          AsButtons = False
				          Filter = 
				            'Portable Graphics Network (*.png)|*.png|PCX Image (*.pcx)|*.pcx|' +
				            'ANI Image (*.ani)|*.ani|JPEG Image File (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Bitmaps (*' +
				            '.bmp)|*.bmp|Icons (*.ico)|*.ico|Enhanced Metafiles (*.emf)|*.emf' +
				            '|Metafiles (*.wmf)|*.wmf'
				          ThumbColor = clNone
				          ShowShadow = False
				          ShadowColor = clBlack
				  object Panel5: TPanel
				    Left = 0
				    Top = 596
				    Width = 885
				    Height = 24
				    Align = alBottom
				    BorderWidth = 2
				    TabOrder = 1
				    object Bevel1: TBevel
				      Left = 3
				      Top = 3
				      Width = 291
				      Height = 18
				      Align = alLeft
				    object JvSpecialProgress1: TJvSpecialProgress
				      Left = 5
				      Top = 5
				      Width = 284
				      Height = 13
				      EndColor = clNavy
				      HintColor = clBtnFace
				      Solid = True
				      Step = 0
