
源代码在线查看: 固定资产管理系统_app.h

软件大小: 50 K
上传用户: aoneko2009
关键词: APP TXT 管理系统
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				* D:\固定资产管理\固定资产管理系统_APP.H
				* This file is a generated, framework-enabling component
				* created by APPBUILDER 
				* (c) Microsoft Corporation
				* header file holding framework-generated project data for
				* D:\固定资产管理\固定资产管理系统 Project
				* the following is for your reference/identification --
				* the application object and splash receive this information into
				* their cCaption property, and this #DEFINE does not provide it:
				* #DEFINE APP_NAME                "固定资产管理系统"
				#DEFINE APP_SUPERCLASS         "_application"
				* developer can change this one
				* to use a different global reference
				* if desired -- a BUILD ALL/RECOMPILE
				* is required afterwards to synch up
				* references in generated menus and PRGs.
				#DEFINE APP_GLOBAL              goApp
				* This one indicates the member name of the object
				* placed on "framework-enabled" forms:
				#DEFINE APP_MEDIATOR_NAME       "app_mediator"
				* developer can change these to a different subclass
				* of APP_SUPERCLASS if desired:
				#DEFINE APP_CLASSLIB            "固定资产管理系统_APP.VCX"
				#DEFINE APP_CLASSNAME           "app_application"
				* the splash class can be anything you want:
				#DEFINE APP_SPLASHCLASS         "app_splash"
				* how long should the splash screen stay up if
				* no key is pressed and if the app object initializes
				* too quickly? (this figure is in seconds)
				* the following are localization strings for the wrapper program:
				#DEFINE APP_CANNOT_RUN_LOC           "应用程序无法运行。"
				#DEFINE APP_ALREADY_RUNNING_LOC      "应用程序已经运行。"
				#DEFINE APP_WRONG_SUPERCLASS_LOC     "对不起 -- 该应用程序必须示例"+ CHR(13)+"来自 "+APP_SUPERCLASS+" 的对象。"
				* this is a localization string for the menus:                                     
				* this one is a hook in the startup program, not
				* needed by the framework:
				* #DEFINE APP_INITIALIZE          **
				* strictly speaking the 6.0 framework does not
				* need the following, but the 5.0 template apps may,
				* if they are adapted for the new framework:
				* #DEFINE APP_CD                  **
				* #DEFINE APP_PATH                **
