
源代码在线查看: strcmp.c

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上传用户: yl810406
关键词: 标准库 源代码
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				*strcmp.c - routine to compare two strings (for equal, less, or greater)
				*       Copyright (c) 1985-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
				*       Compares two string, determining their lexical order.
				#ifdef _MSC_VER
				#pragma function(strcmp)
				#endif  /* _MSC_VER */
				*strcmp - compare two strings, returning less than, equal to, or greater than
				*       STRCMP compares two strings and returns an integer
				*       to indicate whether the first is less than the second, the two are
				*       equal, or whether the first is greater than the second.
				*       Comparison is done byte by byte on an UNSIGNED basis, which is to
				*       say that Null (0) is less than any other character (1-255).
				*       const char * src - string for left-hand side of comparison
				*       const char * dst - string for right-hand side of comparison
				*       returns -1 if src <  dst
				*       returns  0 if src == dst
				*       returns +1 if src >  dst
				int __cdecl strcmp (
				        const char * src,
				        const char * dst
				        int ret = 0 ;
				        while( ! (ret = *(unsigned char *)src - *(unsigned char *)dst) && *dst)
				                ++src, ++dst;
				        if ( ret < 0 )
				                ret = -1 ;
				        else if ( ret > 0 )
				                ret = 1 ;
				        return( ret );
