linux下编程用 编译软件

源代码在线查看: seq_io.f90

软件大小: 49607 K
上传用户: IsABC
关键词: linux 编程 编译 软件
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				! pr 15472				! sequential access files				!				!  this test verifies the most basic sequential unformatted I/O				!      write 3 records of various sizes				!      then read them back				!      and compare with what was written				!				       implicit none				       integer size				       parameter(size=100)				       logical debug 				       data debug /.FALSE./				! set debug to true for help in debugging failures.				       integer m(2)				       integer n				       real*4 r(size)				       integer i				       m(1) = Z'11111111'				       m(2) = Z'22222222'				       n    = Z'33333333'				       do i = 1,size				         r(i) = i				       end do				       write(9)m  ! an array of 2				       write(9)n  ! an integer				       write(9)r  ! an array of reals				! zero all the results so we can compare after they are read back				       do i = 1,size				          r(i) = 0				       end do				       m(1) = 0				       m(2) = 0				       n = 0								       rewind(9)				       read(9)m				       read(9)n				       read(9)r				!				! check results				       if (m(1).ne.Z'11111111') then				         if (debug) then				            print '(A,Z8)','m(1) incorrect.  m(1) = ',m(1)				         else				            call abort				         endif				       endif								       if (m(2).ne.Z'22222222') then				         if (debug) then				            print '(A,Z8)','m(2) incorrect.  m(2) = ',m(2)				         else				            call abort				         endif				       endif								       if ('33333333') then				         if (debug) then				            print '(A,Z8)','n incorrect.  n = ',n				         else				            call abort				         endif				       endif								       do i = 1,size				          if (int(r(i)).ne.i) then				            if (debug) then				              print*,'element ',i,' was ',r(i),' should be ',i				            else				              call abort				            endif				          endif				       end do				! use hexdump to look at the file "fort.9"				       if (debug) then				         close(9)				       else				         close(9,status='DELETE')				       endif				       end							
