linux下编程用 编译软件

源代码在线查看: super-class-4.m

软件大小: 49607 K
上传用户: IsABC
关键词: linux 编程 编译 软件
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/* Bail out gracefully if attempting to derive from a class that has only been				   forward-declared (via @class).  Conversely, @compatibility_alias declarations				   should be traversed to find the @interface.  */				/* { dg-do compile } */								#include 								@class MyWpModule;								@compatibility_alias MyObject Object;				@compatibility_alias FictitiousModule MyWpModule;								@protocol MySelTarget				- (id) meth1;				@end								@protocol Img				- (id) meth2;				@end								@interface FunnyModule: FictitiousModule  /* { dg-error ".MyWpModule., superclass of .FunnyModule." } */				- (id) meth2;				@end								@interface MyProjWpModule : MyWpModule  /* { dg-error ".MyWpModule., superclass of .MyProjWpModule." } */ {				  id i1, i2;				}				- (id) meth1;				- (id) meth2;				@end								@interface AnotherModule: MyObject 				- (id) meth1;				@end							
