< 数据挖掘--实用机器学习技术及java实现> 一书结合数据挖掘和机器学习的知识,作者陈述了自动挖掘模式的基础理论,并且以java语言实现了具有代表性的各类数据挖掘方法.例如:class

源代码在线查看: options.html

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关键词: java class 数据挖掘 机器学习
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																												: Class  Options																																																				  				      Overview 				      Package 				    Class 				      Tree 				      Deprecated 				      Index 				      Help 				  																																								 PREV CLASS 				 NEXT CLASS								  FRAMES   				 NO FRAMES																  SUMMARY:  INNER | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD								DETAIL:  FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD																																				weka.classifiers.m5								Class  Options								java.lang.Object				  |				  +--weka.classifiers.m5.Options												All Implemented Interfaces: java.io.Serializable																public final class Optionsextends java.lang.Objectimplements java.io.Serializable												Class for handing options												See Also: Serialized Form																																																																Constructor Summary												Options(Instances inst)												           												Options(java.lang.String[] argv)												          Constructs an object to store command line options and other necessary 				     information												 																												Method Summary																 void				initialize(Instances inst)												          Initializes for constucting model trees																 void				printValidOptions()												          Prints valid command line options and simply explains the output																 java.lang.String				toString(Instances inst)												          Prints information stored in an 'Options' object, basically containing 				     command line options												 												Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object												clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait												 																																																Constructor Detail																				Options								public Options(Instances inst)																								Options								public Options(java.lang.String[] argv)								Constructs an object to store command line options and other necessary 				     information				Parameters:argv - command line auguments																																								Method Detail																				initialize								public final void initialize(Instances inst)				                      throws java.lang.Exception								Initializes for constucting model trees																Parameters:dataset - a datasetThrows:java.lang.Exception - if something goes wrong																								toString								public final java.lang.String toString(Instances inst)				                                throws java.lang.Exception								Prints information stored in an 'Options' object, basically containing 				     command line options																Parameters:dataset - a datasetThrows:java.lang.Exception - if something goes wrong																								printValidOptions								public final void printValidOptions()								Prints valid command line options and simply explains the output																																																								  				      Overview 				      Package 				    Class 				      Tree 				      Deprecated 				      Index 				      Help 				  																																								 PREV CLASS 				 NEXT CLASS								  FRAMES   				 NO FRAMES																  SUMMARY:  INNER | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD								DETAIL:  FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD																																							
