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ipsec vpn

源代码在线查看: verify-uml.sh

软件大小: 3514 K
上传用户: akk79600872
关键词: ipsec vpn
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				#!/bin/sh								# show me				#set -x								# fail if any command fails				set -e								case $# in				    1) OPENSWANSRCDIR=$1; shift;;				esac								if [ `id -u` = 0 ]				then				    echo Do not run this as root.				    exit				fi								#				# configuration for this file has moved to $OPENSWANSRCDIR/umlsetup.sh				# By default, that file does not exist. A sample is at umlsetup-sample.sh				# in this directory. Copy it to $OPENSWANSRCDIR and edit it.				#				if [ -z "${OPENSWANSRCDIR}" ] && [ -f umlsetup.sh ]				then				    OPENSWANSRCDIR=`pwd`				fi								OPENSWANSRCDIR=${OPENSWANSRCDIR-../..}				if [ ! -f ${OPENSWANSRCDIR}/umlsetup.sh ]				then				    echo No umlsetup.sh. Please read instructions in doc/umltesting.html and testing/utils/umlsetup-sample.sh.				    exit 1				fi								. ${OPENSWANSRCDIR}/umlsetup.sh								if [ ! -d ${KERNPOOL}/. ]; then echo Your KERNPOOL= is not properly set; exit 1; fi									if [ ! -r ${UMLPATCH} ]; then echo Your UMLPATCH= is not properly set; exit 1; fi				if [ -z "${OPENSWANHOSTS}" ]; then echo Your OPENSWANHOSTS= is not properly set; exit 1; fi				if [ -z "${NATTPATCH}" ]; then echo Your NATTPATCH= is not properly set; exit 1; fi 				if [ ! -d ${BASICROOT}/. ]; then echo Your BASICROOT= is not properly set; exit 1; fi				    				#				# $Log: verify-uml.sh,v $				# Revision 1.1  2005/07/14 01:37:56  mcr				# 	script to check out umlsetup.sh and complain before				# 	we get too far.				#				#				#    							
