#!/bin/sh # $Id: regress-chart.sh,v 1.2 2002/06/09 21:14:45 mcr Exp $ # # this script produces a graph of FreeSWAN regression testing status # # note that this timefmt requires gnuplot 3.7.2+ # see http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gnuplot # tree=$1 cd $tree || exit 1 cat */stats.txt | sort -n >regressstats.txt gnuplot set terminal png set output 'regressgraph.png' set timefmt '%s' set xdata time set yrange [0:400] plot 'regressstats.txt' using 1:2 title "total" with linespoints , 'regressstats.txt' using 1:3 title "passing" with points, 'regressstats.txt' using 1:4 title "failing" with linespoints, 'regressstats.txt' using 1:5 title "missing" with linespoints EOF