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ipsec vpn

源代码在线查看: repatch-console.sh

软件大小: 3514 K
上传用户: akk79600872
关键词: ipsec vpn
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				#!/bin/sh								#				# $Id: repatch-console.sh,v 1.2 2002/10/16 21:59:47 mcr Exp $				#				# use this script to update the console reference output from the last				# run of tests, for a list of tests (directories) supplied on the				# command line, space delimited.  Start this from testing/klips, listing				# all the test names (directories), space-separated.								. ../utils/functions.sh				. setup.sh								console_edit_func() {				    testname=$1;           shift        				    consoleprefix=$1;  shift				    reffile=$1;        shift								    sed -f $FIXUPDIR/kern-list-fixups.sed $testname/$reffile >|$testname/$reffile.out				    mv $testname/$reffile.out $testname/$reffile				}								tests=`cat TESTLIST | sed -e '/^#/d' | while read type testname status; do echo $testname; done`				foreach_ref_console console_edit_func $tests								# $Log: repatch-console.sh,v $				# Revision 1.2  2002/10/16 21:59:47  mcr				# 	changes to console output to accomodate 2.4.19-uml12.				#				# Revision 1.1  2002/10/10 16:09:59  mcr				# 	refactored update-ref-console to use new foreach_ref_console				# 	function in functions.sh, added a simple way to invoke it,				# 	and also used it in repatch-console.sh.				#				# Revision 1.1  2002/09/20 17:05:18  rgb				# # This script is to update the console reference output from the last				# # run of tests, for a list of tests (directories) supplied on the				# # command line, space delimited.				#				#							
