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ipsec vpn

源代码在线查看: private-or-clear.in

软件大小: 3514 K
上传用户: akk79600872
关键词: ipsec vpn
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				# This file defines the set of CIDRs (network/mask-length) to which				# communication should be private, if possible, but in the clear otherwise.				#				# If the target has a TXT (later IPSECKEY) record that specifies				# authentication material, we will require private (i.e. encrypted)				# communications.  If no such record is found, communications will be				# in the clear.				#				# See @FINALDOCDIR@/policygroups.html for details.				#				# $Id: private-or-clear.in,v 1.5 2003/02/17 02:22:15 mcr Exp $				#							
