
源代码在线查看: toolbar.weblinks.html.php

软件大小: 2053 K
上传用户: bonylee_java
关键词: mambo cms 源代码
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								/**				* @version $Id: toolbar.weblinks.html.php,v 1.8 2005/02/16 13:55:35 stingrey Exp $				* @package Mambo				* @subpackage Weblinks				* @copyright (C) 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd				* @license GNU/GPL				* Mambo is Free Software				*/								/** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */				defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );								/**				* @package Mambo				* @subpackage Weblinks				*/				class TOOLBAR_weblinks {					function _EDIT() {						global $id;												mosMenuBar::startTable();						mosMenuBar::save();						mosMenuBar::spacer();						if ( $id ) {							// for existing content items the button is renamed `close`							mosMenuBar::cancel( 'cancel', 'Close' );						} else {							mosMenuBar::cancel();						}						mosMenuBar::spacer();						mosMenuBar::help( 'screen.weblink.edit' );						mosMenuBar::endTable();					}					function _DEFAULT() {						mosMenuBar::startTable();						mosMenuBar::spacer();						mosMenuBar::publishList();						mosMenuBar::spacer();						mosMenuBar::unpublishList();						mosMenuBar::spacer();						mosMenuBar::addNewX();						mosMenuBar::spacer();						mosMenuBar::editListX();						mosMenuBar::spacer();						mosMenuBar::deleteList();						mosMenuBar::spacer();						mosMenuBar::help( 'screen.weblink' );						mosMenuBar::endTable();					}				}				?>			
