
源代码在线查看: giveio-install.cpp

软件大小: 6331 K
上传用户: x184372250
关键词: 传感器网络 嵌入式操作系统 源代码
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				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				using namespace std;								int help()				{				    cout 				    cout 				    cout 				    cout 				    cout 				    return 1;				}								int error(const char* msg)				{				    cout 				    return 0;				}								class auto_sc_handle {				public:				    auto_sc_handle(SC_HANDLE h_arg) : h(h_arg) { }				    ~auto_sc_handle() { CloseServiceHandle(h); }								    operator SC_HANDLE() { return h; }				private:				    SC_HANDLE h;				};								bool is_installed(SC_HANDLE scmh)				{				    bool result = false;				    size_t ess_size = sizeof(ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS) + 256 + 256;				    ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS* essp =					reinterpret_cast(new char[ess_size]);				    DWORD bytes_needed = 0;				    DWORD services_returned = 0;				    DWORD resume_handle = 0;				    do {					BOOL success =					    EnumServicesStatus(scmh,							       SERVICE_DRIVER/* | SERVICE_WIN32*/,							       SERVICE_STATE_ALL,							       essp,							       ess_size,							       &bytes_needed,							       &services_returned,							       &resume_handle);					if (success == FALSE && GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA)					    break;										for (DWORD i = 0; i < services_returned; i++) {					    // cout 					    if (strcasecmp(essp[i].lpServiceName, "GiveIO") == 0						|| strcasecmp(essp[i].lpDisplayName, "GiveIO") == 0) {						result = true;						break;					    }											}				    } while (bytes_needed != 0 && ! result);				    delete[] essp;				    return result;				}								int install()				{				    // Taking out the input from stdin -- eases installation and if				    // the user chooses N, TOS won't work right. 				    // -lkw 1/25/2002				    //cout 				    //cout 				    //cout 				    //cout 				    //cout 				    //cout 				    char c;				    //cin >> c;				    //cout 				    //if (c != 'y' && c != 'Y')					//return error("Installation aborted");								    auto_sc_handle scmh = OpenSCManager(0, 0, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ);				    if (! scmh)					return error("Could not connect to the Service Control Manager");								    if (is_installed(scmh))					return error("Driver already installed");								    bool copy_failed = false;				    string WINDIR = getenv("WINDIR");				    if (WINDIR.empty()) {					copy_failed = true;					cout 					     				    } else {					replace(WINDIR.begin(), WINDIR.end(), '\\', '/');					const string cp =					    "cp giveio.sys " + WINDIR + "/system32/drivers/giveio.sys";					cout 					if (system(cp.c_str()) != 0) {					    copy_failed = true;					    cout 						 					}				    }				    if (copy_failed)					cout 					     					     								    auto_sc_handle csh =					CreateService(scmh,						      "GiveIO",						      "GiveIO Port Access",						      SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,						      SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER,						      SERVICE_AUTO_START,						      SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,						      "system32\\drivers\\giveio.sys",						      0,						      0,						      0,						      0,						      0);				    if (csh == 0)				      return error("Could not create service");				    BOOL result = StartService(csh,0,NULL);				    if (!result)				      return error("Could not start service");				    return 0;				}								int uninstall()				{				  SERVICE_STATUS status;				    auto_sc_handle scmh = OpenSCManager(0, 0, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ);				    if (! scmh)					return error("Could not connect to the Service Control Manager");								    if (! is_installed(scmh))					return error("Driver has not been installed");				    auto_sc_handle csh =					OpenService(scmh,						    "GiveIO",						    SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);				    if (!csh)					return error("Could not access GiveIO driver");				    BOOL result = ControlService(csh,								 SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP,								 &status);				    if (!result) {				      cout 					   					   				    }				    DeleteService(csh);				    return 0;				}								int main(int argc, char* argv[])				{				    enum actions {					a_install,					a_uninstall,					a_help				    } action = a_install;								    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {					if (strcmp(argv[i], "--install") == 0)					    action = a_install;					else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--uninstall") == 0)					    action = a_uninstall;					else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0)					    action = a_help;					else					    action = a_help;				    }				    switch (action) {				    case a_help:					return help();				    case a_install:					return install();				    case a_uninstall:					return uninstall();				    }				    return 0;				}							
