flashget43的源代码 一个比较常用的下载程序

源代码在线查看: step_1.6.php

软件大小: 3082 K
上传用户: a1a1J0
关键词: flashget 43 源代码 比较
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				include_once './inc/config.srv.php';
				$errmsg = '';
				if( $_POST['submit'] )
					if( ! $_POST['cms'] ) $errmsg = "Please select your system";
					else $errmsg = updateConfig();
					if( $errmsg == '' )
				function updateConfig()
					//--- change common.php
					//$old_val = array("include_once(INC_DIR . 'cmses/statelessCMS.php');" , "//include_once(INC_DIR . 'cmses/{$_POST['cms']}.php');");
					//$new_val = array("//include_once(INC_DIR . 'cmses/statelessCMS.php');" , "include_once(INC_DIR . 'cmses/{$_POST['cms']}.php');");
					//$fname = './inc/common.php';			
					$repl['CMSsystem'] = "'{$_POST['cms']}'";
					$conf = getConfigData();		
					$conf = changeConfigVariables($conf,$repl);	
					$res  = writeConfig($conf);
					if(!$res) return "Could not write to '/inc/config.php' file";
					return '';
				include INST_DIR . 'header.php';
							Step 1a: Specify Your Bulletin Board or CMS System
							You have chosen to integrate FlashChat with an existing Bulletin Board or Content Management System, which is already installed and properly configured on your server.
							FlashChat will now update your /inc/common.php file with the appropriate setting. FlashChat has only been tested using the default installation of specific versions of these systems,
							as described on the FlashChat Information Page. If you have a version which is unsupported, you may not be able to perform this integration,
							but you can still use FlashChat in non-integrated manner.
										Your System: 
											natsort ($cmss);
											foreach($cmss as $k=>$v)
												echo "$v";
								include INST_DIR . 'footer.php';
