
源代码在线查看: addin.asm

软件大小: 516 K
上传用户: vbkechengsheji
关键词: WINDOWS 8086 汇编程序 汇编语言
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				Include AddIn.inc
				Include \WinAsm\Inc\WAAddIn.inc
				; This is the required entry procedure for the DLL.  Do NOT make changes to this procedure.
				DllEntry Proc hInst:HINSTANCE, reason:DWORD, reserved1:DWORD
					.If reason==DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
						PUSH hInst
						POP hInstance
				DllEntry EndP
				; GetWAAddInData-
				; This REQUIRED procedure is called every time Add-In manager is opened.
				; It's only purpose is to get a nice name and description for Add-In manager
				; to use.  There are two parameters to process.  lpFriendlyName is the offset
				; to the name that will appear in the list of Available Add-Ins.
				; lpDescription is the offset to the information shown in the description box
				; when the add-in is selected.  You must copy the zero-byte terminated strings
				; for these two items to the memory locations at the offsets provided.  The
				; maximum length of each string is 255 characters.  In this template, these
				; strings are stored in the Addin.Inc file.
				GetWAAddInData Proc lpFriendlyName:PTR BYTE, lpDescription:PTR BYTE
					Invoke lstrcpy, lpDescription, Offset szDescription
					Invoke lstrcpy, lpFriendlyName, Offset szFriendlyName	; Name of Add-In
				GetWAAddInData EndP
				; WAAddInLoad-
				; This REQUIRED procedure is called once, when the Add-In is loaded.  This is
				; where you do all the one-time initializations, allocate resources, setup
				; menu entries, accelerator keys, create popup menus, create windows, allocate
				; memory, and so on.   The two parameters are pWinAsmHandles, which is a
				; pointer to the HANDLES structure containing handles to various parts of
				; WinAsm Studio, and  features, which is a pointer to the FEATURES structure.
				; Both are defined in the WAAddin.inc file.  If all resources are successfully
				; allocated, return a zero.  If errors occur, return a -1, and the Add-In will
				; be unloaded by WinAsm Studio.
				WAAddInLoad Proc pWinAsmHandles:DWORD, features:PTR DWORD
					; Place Initialization code here:	
					MOV EBX,pWinAsmHandles
					; Keep the pointer to WinAsm handles. (Most probably you will need it in your Add-In)
					MOV pHandles,EBX
					M2M hMain,[EBX].HANDLES.hMain ; Save the main WinAsm Studio handle
					POP EBX
				WAAddInLoad EndP
				; WAAddInUnload-
				; This REQUIRED procedure is called when WinAsm Studio closes or when the user
				; selects to unload the add-in from the Add-In Manager. Free all internally
				; allocated resources, like window classes, files, memory and so on here.
				WAAddInUnload Proc
					; Free everything here
				WAAddInUnload EndP
				; The following five procedures are optional.  
				; If you want to use any of these procedures you must UNCOMMENT the desired
				; procedure in the AddIn.def file.
				; WAAddInConfig-
				; This optional procedure is called when the "Configure" button on the Add-Ins
				; manager is pressed. It's purpose is to allow a user to configure an Add-In
				; even if the Add-In is not loaded or the Add-In developer does not want to
				; provide a menu item for letting users configure the Add-In.
				WAAddInConfig Proc pWinAsmHandles:PTR HANDLES, pWinAsmFeatures:PTR FEATURES
					; add configuration options code here
				WAAddInConfig EndP
				; FrameWindowProc-
				; This optional procedure is called when any message is sent to the Main (MDI) window
				; of WinAsm Studio.  The procedure is called with the standard windows message
				; parameters, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, and lParam.  To pass this message along to
				; any remaining add-ins, and to WinAsm Studio itself, return a zero.  To
				; prevent the remaining add-ins and WinAsm Studio from processing this message,
				; return a non-zero.  To enable this procedure, you must edit the AddIn.def
				; file and uncomment the line for this procedure.
				FrameWindowProc Proc hWnd:DWORD, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
					.If uMsg == WM_COMMAND
						HIWORD wParam
						.If EAX == 0 || 1 ; 0 is a menu, 1 is an accelerator. Toolbar messages act like menu messages...
							LOWORD wParam
							.If EAX == MenuID	; Change this either to the ID received from WAM_GETNEXTMENUID
												; or one of the IDM_ menu handles defined in WAAddIn.inc
								MOV EAX,TRUE	; I do not want WinAsm or remaining Add-Ins to process this message
				FrameWindowProc EndP
				; ChildWindowProc-
				; This optional procedure is called when any message is sent to any MDI child window of
				; WinAsm Studio.  The procedure is called with the standard windows message
				; parameters, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, and lParam.  To pass this message along to
				; any remaining add-ins, and to WinAsm Studio itself, return a zero.  To
				; prevent the remaining add-ins and WinAsm Studio from processing this message,
				; return a non-zero.  To enable this procedure, you must edit the AddIn.def
				; file and uncomment the line for this procedure.
				ChildWindowProc Proc hWnd:DWORD, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
				ChildWindowProc EndP
				; ProjectExplorerProc-
				; This optional procedure is called when any message is sent to the WinAsm Studio
				; Explorer window.  The procedure is called with the standard windows message
				; parameters, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, and lParam.  To pass this message along to
				; any remaining add-ins, and to WinAsm Studio itself, return a zero.  To
				; prevent the remaining add-ins and WinAsm Studio from processing this message,
				; return a non-zero.  To enable this procedure, you must edit the AddIn.def
				; file and uncomment the line for this procedure.
				ProjectExplorerProc Proc hWnd:DWORD, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
				ProjectExplorerProc EndP
				; OutputWindowProc-
				; This optional procedure is called when any message is sent to the WinAsm Studio
				; Out window.  The procedure is called with the standard windows message
				; parameters, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, and lParam.  To pass this message along to
				; any remaining add-ins, and to WinAsm Studio itself, return a zero.  To
				; prevent the remaining add-ins and WinAsm Studio from processing this message,
				; return a non-zero.  To enable this procedure, you must edit the AddIn.def
				; file and uncomment the line for this procedure.
				OutWindowProc Proc hWnd:DWORD, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
				OutWindowProc EndP
				End DllEntry
