* drag.js - click & drag DOM elements
* originally based on Youngpup's dom-drag.js, www.youngpup.net
Further modified from the example by Tim Taylor
Changed onMouseMove where it calls group.onDrag and then
adjusts the offset for changes to the DOM. If the item
being moved changed parents it would be off so changed to
get the absolute offset (recursive northwestOffset).
var Drag = {
BIG_Z_INDEX : 10000,
group : null,
isDragging : false,
makeDraggable : function(group) {
group.handle = group;
group.handle.group = group;
group.minX = null;
group.minY = null;
group.maxX = null;
group.maxY = null;
group.threshold = 0;
group.thresholdY = 0;
group.thresholdX = 0;
group.onDragStart = new Function();
group.onDragEnd = new Function();
group.onDrag = new Function();
// TODO: use element.prototype.myFunc
group.setDragHandle = Drag.setDragHandle;
group.setDragThreshold = Drag.setDragThreshold;
group.setDragThresholdX = Drag.setDragThresholdX;
group.setDragThresholdY = Drag.setDragThresholdY;
group.constrain = Drag.constrain;
group.constrainVertical = Drag.constrainVertical;
group.constrainHorizontal = Drag.constrainHorizontal;
group.onmousedown = Drag.onMouseDown;
constrainVertical : function() {
var nwOffset = Coordinates.northwestOffset(this, true);
this.minX = nwOffset.x;
this.maxX = nwOffset.x;
constrainHorizontal : function() {
var nwOffset = Coordinates.northwestOffset(this, true);
this.minY = nwOffset.y;
this.maxY = nwOffset.y;
constrain : function(nwPosition, sePosition) {
this.minX = nwPosition.x;
this.minY = nwPosition.y;
this.maxX = sePosition.x;
this.maxY = sePosition.y;
setDragHandle : function(handle) {
if (handle && handle != null)
this.handle = handle;
this.handle = this;
this.handle.group = this;
this.onmousedown = null;
this.handle.onmousedown = Drag.onMouseDown;
setDragThreshold : function(threshold) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(threshold))) return;
this.threshold = threshold;
setDragThresholdX : function(threshold) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(threshold))) return;
this.thresholdX = threshold;
setDragThresholdY : function(threshold) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(threshold))) return;
this.thresholdY = threshold;
onMouseDown : function(event) {
event = Drag.fixEvent(event);
Drag.group = this.group;
var group = this.group;
var mouse = event.windowCoordinate;
var nwOffset = Coordinates.northwestOffset(group, true);
var nwPosition = Coordinates.northwestPosition(group);
var sePosition = Coordinates.southeastPosition(group);
var seOffset = Coordinates.southeastOffset(group, true);
group.originalOpacity = group.style.opacity;
group.originalZIndex = group.style.zIndex;
group.initialWindowCoordinate = mouse;
// TODO: need a better name, but don't yet understand how it
// participates in the magic while dragging
group.dragCoordinate = mouse;
Drag.showStatus(mouse, nwPosition, sePosition, nwOffset, seOffset);
group.onDragStart(nwPosition, sePosition, nwOffset, seOffset);
// TODO: need better constraint API
if (group.minX != null)
group.minMouseX = mouse.x - nwPosition.x +
group.minX - nwOffset.x;
if (group.maxX != null)
group.maxMouseX = group.minMouseX + group.maxX - group.minX;
if (group.minY != null)
group.minMouseY = mouse.y - nwPosition.y +
group.minY - nwOffset.y;
if (group.maxY != null)
group.maxMouseY = group.minMouseY + group.maxY - group.minY;
group.mouseMin = new Coordinate(group.minMouseX, group.minMouseY);
group.mouseMax = new Coordinate(group.maxMouseX, group.maxMouseY);
document.onmousemove = Drag.onMouseMove;
document.onmouseup = Drag.onMouseUp;
return false;
showStatus : function(mouse, nwPosition, sePosition, nwOffset, seOffset) {
/*window.status =
"mouse: " + mouse.toString() + " " +
"NW pos: " + nwPosition.toString() + " " +
"SE pos: " + sePosition.toString() + " " +
"NW offset: " + nwOffset.toString() + " " +
"SE offset: " + seOffset.toString();*/
onMouseMove : function(event) {
event = Drag.fixEvent(event);
var group = Drag.group;
var mouse = event.windowCoordinate;
var nwOffset = Coordinates.northwestOffset(group, true);
var nwPosition = Coordinates.northwestPosition(group);
var sePosition = Coordinates.southeastPosition(group);
var seOffset = Coordinates.southeastOffset(group, true);
Drag.showStatus(mouse, nwPosition, sePosition, nwOffset, seOffset);
if (!Drag.isDragging) {
if (group.threshold > 0) {
var distance = group.initialWindowCoordinate.distance(
if (distance < group.threshold) return true;
} else if (group.thresholdY > 0) {
var deltaY = Math.abs(group.initialWindowCoordinate.y - mouse.y);
if (deltaY < group.thresholdY) return true;
} else if (group.thresholdX > 0) {
var deltaX = Math.abs(group.initialWindowCoordinate.x - mouse.x);
if (deltaX < group.thresholdX) return true;
Drag.isDragging = true;
group.style["zIndex"] = Drag.BIG_Z_INDEX;
group.style["opacity"] = 0.75;
// TODO: need better constraint API
var adjusted = mouse.constrain(group.mouseMin, group.mouseMax);
nwPosition = nwPosition.plus(adjusted.minus(group.dragCoordinate));
group.dragCoordinate = adjusted;
// once dragging has started, the position of the group
// relative to the mouse should stay fixed. They can get out
// of sync if the DOM is manipulated while dragging, so we
// correct the error here
// TODO: what we really want to do is find the offset from
// our corner to the mouse coordinate and adjust to keep it
// the same
// changed to be recursive/use absolute offset for corrections
var offsetBefore = Coordinates.northwestOffset(group, true);
group.onDrag(nwPosition, sePosition, nwOffset, seOffset);
var offsetAfter = Coordinates.northwestOffset(group, true);
if (!offsetBefore.equals(offsetAfter)) {
var errorDelta = offsetBefore.minus(offsetAfter);
nwPosition = Coordinates.northwestPosition(group).plus(errorDelta);
return false;
onMouseUp : function(event) {
event = Drag.fixEvent(event);
var group = Drag.group;
var mouse = event.windowCoordinate;
var nwOffset = Coordinates.northwestOffset(group, true);
var nwPosition = Coordinates.northwestPosition(group);
var sePosition = Coordinates.southeastPosition(group);
var seOffset = Coordinates.southeastOffset(group, true);
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
group.onDragEnd(nwPosition, sePosition, nwOffset, seOffset);
if (Drag.isDragging) {
// restoring zIndex before opacity avoids visual flicker in Firefox
group.style["zIndex"] = group.originalZIndex;
group.style["opacity"] = group.originalOpacity;
Drag.group = null;
Drag.isDragging = false;
return false;
fixEvent : function(event) {
if (typeof event == 'undefined') event = window.event;
return event;