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													// (C) Copyright 2001					// Murray Jensen 					// CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology, Preston Lab									// list page (hymod_bddb / boards)									require("defs.php");									$serno=isset($_REQUEST['serno'])?$_REQUEST['serno']:'';									$verbose=isset($_REQUEST['verbose'])?intval($_REQUEST['verbose']):0;									pg_head("$bddb_label - Browse database" . ($verbose?" (verbose)":""));				?>													$limit=isset($_REQUEST['limit'])?abs(intval($_REQUEST['limit'])):20;					$offset=isset($_REQUEST['offset'])?abs(intval($_REQUEST['offset'])):0;									if ($serno == '') {										$lr=mysql_query("select count(*) as n from boards");						$lrow=mysql_fetch_array($lr);										if($lrow['n']>$limit){							$preoffset=max(0,$offset-$limit);							$postoffset=$offset+$limit;							echo "\n\n";							printf("\n", $offset>0?"":"no", $PHP_SELF, $preoffset, $verbose);							printf("\n", $postoffset							echo "\n\n";						}										mysql_free_result($lr);					}				?>																serno / edit				ethaddr				date				batch				type				rev				location									if ($verbose) {						echo "comments\n";						echo "sdram\n";						echo "flash\n";						echo "zbt\n";						echo "xlxtyp\n";						echo "xlxspd\n";						echo "xlxtmp\n";						echo "xlxgrd\n";						echo "cputyp\n";						echo "cpuspd\n";						echo "cpmspd\n";						echo "busspd\n";						echo "hstype\n";						echo "hschin\n";						echo "hschout\n";					}				?>													$query = "select * from boards";					if ($serno != '') {						$pre = " where ";						foreach (preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $serno) as $s) {							if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/',$s))								$query .= $pre . "serno=" . $s;							else if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$/',$s,$m)) {								$m1 = intval($m[1]); $m2 = intval($m[2]);								if ($m2 									die("bad serial number range ($s)");								$query .= $pre . "(serno>=$m[1] and serno							}							else								die("illegal serial number ($s)");							$pre = " or ";						}					}					$query .= " order by serno";					if ($serno == '')						$query .= " limit $offset,$limit";									$r = mysql_query($query);									function print_cell($str) {						if ($str == '')							$str = ' ';						echo "\t$str\n";					}									while($row=mysql_fetch_array($r)){						foreach ($columns as $key) {							if (!key_in_array($key, $row))								$row[$key] = '';						}										echo "\n";						print_cell("Log");						print_cell("$row[serno]");						print_cell($row['ethaddr']);						print_cell($row['date']);						print_cell($row['batch']);						print_cell($row['type']);						print_cell($row['rev']);						print_cell($row['location']);						if ($verbose) {							print_cell("\n" . urldecode($row['comments']) .								"\n\t");							print_cell(gather_enum_multi_print("sdram", 4, $row));							print_cell(gather_enum_multi_print("flash", 4, $row));							print_cell(gather_enum_multi_print("zbt", 16, $row));							print_cell(gather_enum_multi_print("xlxtyp", 4, $row));							print_cell(gather_enum_multi_print("xlxspd", 4, $row));							print_cell(gather_enum_multi_print("xlxtmp", 4, $row));							print_cell(gather_enum_multi_print("xlxgrd", 4, $row));							print_cell($row['cputyp']);							print_cell($row['cpuspd']);							print_cell($row['cpmspd']);							print_cell($row['busspd']);							print_cell($row['hstype']);							print_cell($row['hschin']);							print_cell($row['hschout']);						}						echo "\n";					}				?>																				  					printf("%s Listing\n", $PHP_SELF, $offset, $verbose?0:1, $serno!=''?"&serno=$serno":'', $verbose?"Terse":"Verbose");				  ?>				  Back to Start																	pg_foot();				?>							
