package Image::Info::XBM;
$VERSION = '1.03';
use strict;
use Image::Xbm;
sub process_file{
my($info, $source, $opts) = @_;
my(@comments, @warnings, $i, $imgdata);
*Image::Xbm::carp = sub { push @warnings, @_; };
*Image::Xbm::croak = sub { $info->push_info(0, "error", @_); };
if( $Image::Xbm::Version cmp '1.07' < 1){
push @warnings, "This version of Image::Xbm does not support filehandles or scalar references";
$source = $info->get_info(0, "FileName");
if( $info->get_info(0, "error") ){
return; }
$i = Image::Xbm->new(-file, $source);
$info->push_info(0, "color_type" => "Grey");
$info->push_info(0, "file_ext" => "xbm");
$info->push_info(0, "file_media_type" => "image/x-xbitmap");
$info->push_info(0, "height", $i->get(-height));
$info->push_info(0, "resolution", "1/1");
$info->push_info(0, "width", $i->get(-width));
$info->push_info(0, "BitsPerSample" => 1);
$info->push_info(0, "SamplesPerPixel", 1);
$info->push_info(0, "ColorTableSize" => 2 );
if( $opts->{L1D_Histogram} ){
#Do Histogram
$imgdata = $i->as_binstring();
$info->push_info(0, "L1D_Histogram", [$imgdata =~ tr/0//d,
$imgdata =~ tr/1//d ]);
$info->push_info(0, "HotSpotX" => $i->get(-hotx) );
$info->push_info(0, "HotSpotY" => $i->get(-hoty) );
for (@comments) {
$info->push_info(0, "Comment", $_);
for (@warnings) {
$info->push_info(0, "Warn", $_);
=head1 NAME
Image::Info::XBM - XBM support for Image::Info
use Image::Info qw(image_info dim);
my $info = image_info("image.xbm");
if (my $error = $info->{error}) {
die "Can't parse image info: $error\n";
my $color = $info->{color_type};
my($w, $h) = dim($info);
This modules supplies the standard key names
except for Compression, Gamma, Interlace, LastModificationTime, as well as:
=item HotSpotX
The x-coord of the image's hotspot.
Set to -1 if there is no hotspot.
=item HotSpotY
The y-coord of the image's hotspot.
Set to -1 if there is no hotspot.
=item L1D_Histogram
Reference to an array representing a one dimensioanl luminance
histogram. This key is only present if C is invoked
as C. The range is from 0 to 1.
=item FILES
This module requires L
=head1 SEE ALSO
L, L
=head1 NOTES
For more information about XBM see:
=head1 AUTHOR
Jerrad Pierce /
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=begin register
MAGIC: /^#define\s+/
See L for details.
=end register