新天堂多用户相册系统v2.0B 一款基于GNU许可的免费的多用户相册系统

源代码在线查看: gif.pm

软件大小: 195 K
上传用户: add505
关键词: 2.0 GNU 多用
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				package Image::Info::GIF;
				# Copyright 1999-2000, Gisle Aas.
				# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
				# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
				=begin register
				MAGIC: /^GIF8[79]a/
				Both GIF87a and GIF89a are supported and the version number is found
				as C for the first image.  GIF files can contain multiple
				images, and information for all images will be returned if
				image_info() is called in list context.  The Netscape-2.0 extention to
				loop animation sequences is represented by the C key for the
				first image.  The value is either "forever" or a number indicating
				loop count.
				=end register
				use strict;
				sub my_read
				    my($source, $len) = @_;
				    my $buf;
				    my $n = read($source, $buf, $len);
				    die "read failed: $!" unless defined $n;
				    die "short read ($len/$n)" unless $n == $len;
				sub read_data_blocks
				    my $source = shift;
				    my @data;
				    while (my $len = ord(my_read($source, 1))) {
					push(@data, my_read($source, $len));
				    join("", @data);
				sub process_file
				    my($info, $fh) = @_;
				    my $header = my_read($fh, 13);
				    die "Bad GIF signature"
					unless $header =~ s/^GIF(8[79]a)//;
				    my $version = $1;
				    $info->push_info(0, "GIF_Version" => $version);
				    # process logical screen descriptor
				    my($sw, $sh, $packed, $bg, $aspect) = unpack("vvCCC", $header);
				    $info->push_info(0, "ScreenWidth" => $sw);
				    $info->push_info(0, "ScreenHeight" => $sh);
				    my $color_table_size = 1 				    $info->push_info(0, "ColorTableSize" => $color_table_size);
				    $info->push_info(0, "SortedColors" => ($packed & 0x08) ? 1 : 0)
					if $version eq "89a";
				    $info->push_info(0, "ColorResolution", (($packed & 0x70) >> 4) + 1);
				    my $global_color_table = $packed & 0x80;
				    $info->push_info(0, "GlobalColorTableFlag" => $global_color_table ? 1 : 0);
				    if ($global_color_table) {
					$info->push_info(0, "BackgroundColor", $bg);
				    if ($aspect) {
					$aspect = ($aspect + 15) / 64;
					$info->push_info(0, "PixelAspectRatio" => $aspect);
					# XXX is this correct????
					$info->push_info(0, "resolution", "1/$aspect");
				    else {
					$info->push_info(0, "resolution", "1/1");
				    $info->push_info(0, "file_media_type" => "image/gif");
				    $info->push_info(0, "file_ext" => "gif");
				    # more??
				    if ($global_color_table) {
				       my $color_table = my_read($fh, $color_table_size * 3);
				       #$info->push_info(0, "GlobalColorTable", color_table($color_table));
				    my $img_no = 0;
				    my @comments;
				    my @warnings;
				    while (1) {
					my $intro = ord(my_read($fh, 1));
					if ($intro == 0x3B) {  # trailer (end of image)
					elsif ($intro == 0x2C) {  # new image
					    if (@comments) {
						for (@comments) {
						    $info->push_info(0, "Comment", $_);
						@comments = ();
					    $info->push_info($img_no, "color_type" => "Indexed-RGB");
					    my($x_pos, $y_pos, $w, $h, $packed) =
						unpack("vvvvC", my_read($fh, 9));
					    $info->push_info($img_no, "XPosition", $x_pos);
					    $info->push_info($img_no, "YPosition", $y_pos);
					    $info->push_info($img_no, "width", $w);
					    $info->push_info($img_no, "height", $h);
					    if ($packed & 0x80) {
						# yes, we have a local color table
						my $ct_size = 1 						$info->push_info($img_no, "LColorTableSize" => $ct_size);
						my $color_table = my_read($fh, $ct_size * 3);
					    $info->push_info($img_no, "Interlace" => "GIF")
						if $packed & 0x40;
					    my $lzw_code_size = ord(my_read($fh, 1));
					    #$info->push_info($img_no, "LZW_MininmCodeSize", $lzw_code_size);
					    read_data_blocks($fh);  # skip image data
					elsif ($intro == 0x21) {  # GIF89a extension
					    push(@warnings, "GIF 89a extensions in 87a")
						if $version eq "87a";
					    my $label = ord(my_read($fh, 1));
					    my $data = read_data_blocks($fh);
					    if ($label == 0xF9 && length($data) == 4) {  # Graphic Control
						my($packed, $delay, $trans_color) = unpack("CvC", $data);
						my $disposal_method = ($packed >> 2) & 0x07;
						$info->push_info($img_no, "DisposalMethod", $disposal_method)
						    if $disposal_method;
						$info->push_info($img_no, "UserInput", 1)
						    if $packed & 0x02;
						$info->push_info($img_no, "Delay" => $delay/100) if $delay;
						$info->push_info($img_no, "TransparencyIndex" => $trans_color)
						    if $packed & 0x01;
					    elsif ($label == 0xFE) {  # Comment
						$data =~ s/\0+$//;  # is often NUL-terminated
						push(@comments, $data);
					    elsif ($label == 0xFF) {  # Application
						my $app = substr($data, 0, 11, "");
						my $auth = substr($app, -3, 3, "");
						if ($app eq "NETSCAPE" && $auth eq "2.0"
						    && $data =~ /^\01/) {
						    my $loop = unpack("xv", $data);
						    $loop = "forever" unless $loop;
						    $info->push_info($img_no, "GIF_Loop" => $loop);
						} else {
						    $info->push_info($img_no, "APP-$app-$auth" => $data);
					    else {
						$info->push_info($img_no, "GIF_Extension-$label" => $data);
					else {
					    die "Unknown introduced code $intro, bad GIF";
				    for (@comments) {
					$info->push_info(0, "Comment", $_);
				    for (@warnings) {
					$info->push_info(0, "Warn", $_);
				sub color_table
				    my @n = unpack("C*", shift);
				    die "Color table not a multiple of 3" if @n % 3;
				    my @table;
				    while (@n) {
					my @triple = splice(@n, -3);
					push(@table, sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", @triple));
				    [reverse @table];
