源代码在线查看: 例15-03计算结果.lst
The SAS System 21:18 Tuesday, April 2, 2002 4
Stepwise Procedure for Dependent Variable Y
Step 1 Variable X4 Entered R-square = 0.37166342 C(p) = 11.62836471
DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Prob>F
Regression 1 82.71438272 82.71438272 14.79 0.0007
Error 25 139.83746913 5.59349877
Total 26 222.55185185
Parameter Standard Type II
Variable Estimate Error Sum of Squares F Prob>F
INTERCEP 3.00611680 2.36380099 9.04635086 1.62 0.2152
X4 0.97820815 0.25437975 82.71438272 14.79 0.0007
Bounds on condition number: 1, 1
Step 2 Variable X1 Entered R-square = 0.48433796 C(p) = 7.41873917
DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Prob>F
Regression 2 107.79030899 53.89515449 11.27 0.0004
Error 24 114.76154286 4.78173095
Total 26 222.55185185
Parameter Standard Type II
Variable Estimate Error Sum of Squares F Prob>F
INTERCEP 1.30989882 2.30766006 1.54069606 0.32 0.5756
X1 0.67752515 0.29586221 25.07592627 5.24 0.0311
X4 0.73233930 0.25854502 38.36520104 8.02 0.0092
Bounds on condition number: 1.208386, 4.833544
Step 3 Variable X3 Entered R-square = 0.54705469 C(p) = 5.96234675
DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Prob>F
Regression 3 121.74803331 40.58267777 9.26 0.0003
Error 23 100.80381854 4.38277472
Total 26 222.55185185
Parameter Standard Type II
Variable Estimate Error Sum of Squares F Prob>F
INTERCEP 4.30858048 2.77570457 10.56017430 2.41 0.1343
X1 0.54496823 0.29282863 15.17974375 3.46 0.0756
X3 -0.21858679 0.12248733 13.95772432 3.18 0.0875
X4 0.63532769 0.25342364 27.54548793 6.28 0.0197
Bounds on condition number: 1.291486, 11.27203
The SAS System 21:18 Tuesday, April 2, 2002 5
Step 4 Variable X2 Entered R-square = 0.60080689 C(p) = 5.00000000
DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Prob>F
Regression 4 133.71068519 33.42767130 8.28 0.0003
Error 22 88.84116667 4.03823485
Total 26 222.55185185
Parameter Standard Type II
Variable Estimate Error Sum of Squares F Prob>F
INTERCEP 5.94326785 2.82858990 17.82798275 4.41 0.0473
X1 0.14244648 0.36565299 0.61285361 0.15 0.7006
X2 0.35146549 0.20420423 11.96265188 2.96 0.0993
X3 -0.27058527 0.12139379 20.06351186 4.97 0.0363
X4 0.63820124 0.24326440 27.79391619 6.88 0.0155
Bounds on condition number: 2.185539, 26.04198
Step 5 Variable X1 Removed R-square = 0.59805313 C(p) = 3.15176275
DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Prob>F
Regression 3 133.09783157 44.36594386 11.41 0.0001
Error 23 89.45402028 3.88930523
Total 26 222.55185185
Parameter Standard Type II
Variable Estimate Error Sum of Squares F Prob>F
INTERCEP 6.49961624 2.39615164 28.61665442 7.36 0.0124
X2 0.40234578 0.15405315 26.52954201 6.82 0.0156
X3 -0.28704423 0.11168616 25.69040553 6.61 0.0171
X4 0.66323436 0.23025682 32.26867062 8.30 0.0084
Bounds on condition number: 1.178342, 10.06087
All variables left in the model are significant at the 0.1000 level.
No other variable met the 0.1000 significance level for entry into the model.
Summary of Stepwise Procedure for Dependent Variable Y
Variable Number Partial Model
Step Entered Removed In R**2 R**2 C(p) F Prob>F
1 X4 1 0.3717 0.3717 11.6284 14.7876 0.0007
2 X1 2 0.1127 0.4843 7.4187 5.2441 0.0311
3 X3 3 0.0627 0.5471 5.9623 3.1847 0.0875
4 X2 4 0.0538 0.6008 5.0000 2.9623 0.0993
5 X1 3 0.0028 0.5981 3.1518 0.1518 0.7006