function mm = convert(mm,datatype,siz)
%CONVERT Configures properties for predefined target data types
% CONVERT(MM,TYPE) - Defines the numeric representation to be
% applied to the memory array MM. The TYPE input defines
% some common data types. This method adjusts the properties
% of MM object to match the specified TYPE. As a result,
% future READ/WRITE operations will apply the appropriate
% data conversion to implement the numeric representation.
% For uncommon datatypes, it is possible to directly modify
% the MM properties, but generally it better to use the CONVERT
% method.
% CONVERT(MM,TYPE,SIZE) - Does an additional reshaping - adjusts the
% 'size' property - of the MM object.
% See also CONVERT, COPY.
% Copyright 2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2002/05/13 18:31:51 $
if nargin==2
% [EOF] convert.m