-- WebWork, Web Application Framework -- -- Distributable under LGPL license. -- See terms of license at opensource.org -- -- -- select.jsp -- -- Required Parameters: -- * label - The description that will be used to identfy the control. -- * name - The name of the attribute to put and pull the result from. -- Equates to the NAME parameter of the HTML SELECT tag. -- * list - Iterator that will provide the options for the control. -- Equates to the HTML OPTION tags in the SELECT and supplies -- both the NAME and VALUE parameters of the OPTION tag. -- -- Optional Parameters: -- * labelposition - determines were the label will be place in relation -- to the control. Default is to the left of the control. -- * size - SIZE parameter of the HTML SELECT tag. -- * disabled - DISABLED parameter of the HTML SELECT tag. -- * tabindex - tabindex parameter of the HTML SELECT tag. -- * onchange - onkeyup parameter of the HTML SELECT tag. -- * size - SIZE parameter of the HTML SELECT tag. -- * multiple - MULTIPLE parameter of the HTML SELECT tag. -- * headerKey - Combined with headerValue parameter specifies the top of select list -- * headerValue - see above -- --%> id="" disabled="disabled" size="" tabindex="" onchange="" multiple="multiple" > selected="selected">