源代码在线查看: usb_pwr.txt

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				; generated by ARM C/C++ Compiler with , RVCT4.0 [Build 524] for uVision
				; commandline ArmCC [--split_sections --debug -c --asm --interleave -o.\Obj\usb_pwr.o --depend=.\Obj\usb_pwr.d --device=DARMSTM --apcs=interwork -O3 -I..\..\include -I..\..\..\FWLib\library\inc -I..\..\..\USBLib\library\inc -I..\..\Config -I..\..\GUI\Core -I..\..\GUI\Font -I..\..\GUI\ConvertColor -I..\..\GUI\AntiAlias -I..\..\GUI\ConvertMono -I..\..\GUI\JPEG -I..\..\GUI\MemDev -I..\..\GUI\MultiLayer -I..\..\GUI\Widget -I..\..\GUI\WM -IC:\Keil\ARM\INC\ST\STM32F10x ..\..\source\usb_pwr.c]
				                          AREA ||i.PowerOff||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=2
				                  PowerOff PROC
				;;;79     *******************************************************************************/
				;;;80     RESULT PowerOff()
				000000  b510              PUSH     {r4,lr}
				;;;81     {
				;;;82       /* disable all ints and force USB reset */
				;;;83       _SetCNTR(CNTR_FRES);
				000002  4c05              LDR      r4,|L1.24|
				000004  2001              MOVS     r0,#1
				000006  6020              STR      r0,[r4,#0]
				;;;84       /* clear interrupt status register */
				;;;85       _SetISTR(0);
				000008  2000              MOVS     r0,#0
				00000a  6060              STR      r0,[r4,#4]
				;;;86       /* Disable the Pull-Up*/
				;;;87       USB_Cable_Config(DISABLE);
				00000c  f7fffffe          BL       USB_Cable_Config
				;;;88       /* switch-off device */
				;;;89       _SetCNTR(CNTR_FRES + CNTR_PDWN);
				000010  2003              MOVS     r0,#3
				000012  6020              STR      r0,[r4,#0]
				;;;90       /* sw variables reset */
				;;;91       /* ... */
				;;;93       return USB_SUCCESS;
				000014  2000              MOVS     r0,#0
				;;;94     }
				000016  bd10              POP      {r4,pc}
				                          DCD      0x40005c40
				                          AREA ||i.PowerOn||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=2
				                  PowerOn PROC
				;;;48     *******************************************************************************/
				;;;49     RESULT PowerOn(void)
				000000  b510              PUSH     {r4,lr}
				;;;50     {
				;;;51       u16 wRegVal;
				;;;53       /*** cable plugged-in ? ***/
				;;;54       /*while(!CablePluggedIn());*/
				;;;55       USB_Cable_Config(ENABLE);
				000002  2001              MOVS     r0,#1
				000004  f7fffffe          BL       USB_Cable_Config
				;;;57       /*** CNTR_PWDN = 0 ***/
				;;;58       wRegVal = CNTR_FRES;
				000008  4806              LDR      r0,|L2.36|
				00000a  2101              MOVS     r1,#1
				;;;59       _SetCNTR(wRegVal);
				00000c  6001              STR      r1,[r0,#0]
				;;;61       /*** CNTR_FRES = 0 ***/
				;;;62       wInterrupt_Mask = 0;
				00000e  2100              MOVS     r1,#0
				000010  4a05              LDR      r2,|L2.40|
				;;;63       _SetCNTR(wInterrupt_Mask);
				000012  6001              STR      r1,[r0,#0]
				;;;64       /*** Clear pending interrupts ***/
				;;;65       _SetISTR(0);
				000014  6041              STR      r1,[r0,#4]
				;;;66       /*** Set interrupt mask ***/
				;;;67       wInterrupt_Mask = CNTR_RESETM | CNTR_SUSPM | CNTR_WKUPM;
				000016  f44f51e0          MOV      r1,#0x1c00
				00001a  8011              STRH     r1,[r2,#0]
				;;;68       _SetCNTR(wInterrupt_Mask);
				00001c  6001              STR      r1,[r0,#0]
				;;;70       return USB_SUCCESS;
				00001e  2000              MOVS     r0,#0
				;;;71     }
				000020  bd10              POP      {r4,pc}
				000022  0000              DCW      0x0000
				                          DCD      0x40005c40
				                          DCD      wInterrupt_Mask
				                          AREA ||i.Resume||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=2
				                  Resume PROC
				;;;172    *******************************************************************************/
				;;;173    void Resume(RESUME_STATE eResumeSetVal)
				000000  b570              PUSH     {r4-r6,lr}
				;;;174    {
				;;;175      u16 wCNTR;
				;;;177      if (eResumeSetVal != RESUME_ESOF)
				;;;178        ResumeS.eState = eResumeSetVal;
				000002  4c1e              LDR      r4,|L3.124|
				000004  2807              CMP      r0,#7                 ;177
				000006  d000              BEQ      |L3.10|
				000008  7020              STRB     r0,[r4,#0]
				;;;180      switch (ResumeS.eState)
				00000a  7820              LDRB     r0,[r4,#0]  ; ResumeS
				;;;181      {
				;;;182        case RESUME_EXTERNAL:
				;;;183          Resume_Init();
				;;;184          ResumeS.eState = RESUME_OFF;
				00000c  2506              MOVS     r5,#6
				;;;185          break;
				;;;186        case RESUME_INTERNAL:
				;;;187          Resume_Init();
				;;;188          ResumeS.eState = RESUME_START;
				00000e  2604              MOVS     r6,#4
				;;;189          break;
				;;;190        case RESUME_LATER:
				;;;191          ResumeS.bESOFcnt = 2;
				;;;192          ResumeS.eState = RESUME_WAIT;
				;;;193          break;
				;;;194        case RESUME_WAIT:
				;;;195          ResumeS.bESOFcnt--;
				;;;196          if (ResumeS.bESOFcnt == 0)
				;;;197            ResumeS.eState = RESUME_START;
				;;;198          break;
				;;;199        case RESUME_START:
				;;;200          wCNTR = _GetCNTR();
				000010  491b              LDR      r1,|L3.128|
				000012  2806              CMP      r0,#6                 ;180
				000014  d230              BCS      |L3.120|
				000016  e8dff000          TBB      [pc,r0]               ;180
				00001a  0306              DCB      0x03,0x06
				00001c  090e1622          DCB      0x09,0x0e,0x16,0x22
				000020  f7fffffe          BL       Resume_Init
				000024  e028              B        |L3.120|
				000026  f7fffffe          BL       Resume_Init
				00002a  e00a              B        |L3.66|
				00002c  2002              MOVS     r0,#2                 ;191
				00002e  7060              STRB     r0,[r4,#1]            ;191
				000030  2003              MOVS     r0,#3                 ;192
				000032  7020              STRB     r0,[r4,#0]            ;192
				;;;201          wCNTR |= CNTR_RESUME;
				;;;202          _SetCNTR(wCNTR);
				;;;203          ResumeS.eState = RESUME_ON;
				;;;204          ResumeS.bESOFcnt = 10;
				;;;205          break;
				;;;206        case RESUME_ON:
				;;;207          ResumeS.bESOFcnt--;
				;;;208          if (ResumeS.bESOFcnt == 0)
				;;;209          {
				;;;210            wCNTR = _GetCNTR();
				;;;211            wCNTR &= (~CNTR_RESUME);
				;;;212            _SetCNTR(wCNTR);
				;;;213            ResumeS.eState = RESUME_OFF;
				;;;214          }
				;;;215          break;
				;;;216        case RESUME_OFF:
				;;;217        case RESUME_ESOF:
				;;;218        default:
				;;;219          ResumeS.eState = RESUME_OFF;
				;;;220          break;
				;;;221      }
				;;;222    }
				000034  bd70              POP      {r4-r6,pc}
				000036  7860              LDRB     r0,[r4,#1]            ;195  ; ResumeS
				000038  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1              ;195
				00003a  7060              STRB     r0,[r4,#1]            ;195
				00003c  7860              LDRB     r0,[r4,#1]            ;196  ; ResumeS
				00003e  2800              CMP      r0,#0                 ;196
				000040  d1f8              BNE      |L3.52|
				000042  7026              STRB     r6,[r4,#0]            ;197
				000044  bd70              POP      {r4-r6,pc}
				000046  f8d10c40          LDR      r0,[r1,#0xc40]        ;200
				00004a  b280              UXTH     r0,r0                 ;200
				00004c  f0400010          ORR      r0,r0,#0x10           ;201
				000050  f8c10c40          STR      r0,[r1,#0xc40]        ;202
				000054  2005              MOVS     r0,#5                 ;203
				000056  7020              STRB     r0,[r4,#0]            ;203
				000058  200a              MOVS     r0,#0xa               ;204
				00005a  7060              STRB     r0,[r4,#1]            ;204
				00005c  bd70              POP      {r4-r6,pc}
				00005e  7860              LDRB     r0,[r4,#1]            ;207  ; ResumeS
				000060  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1              ;207
				000062  7060              STRB     r0,[r4,#1]            ;207
				000064  7860              LDRB     r0,[r4,#1]            ;208  ; ResumeS
				000066  2800              CMP      r0,#0                 ;208
				000068  d1f8              BNE      |L3.92|
				00006a  f8d10c40          LDR      r0,[r1,#0xc40]        ;210
				00006e  b280              UXTH     r0,r0                 ;210
				000070  f0200010          BIC      r0,r0,#0x10           ;211
				000074  f8c10c40          STR      r0,[r1,#0xc40]        ;212
				000078  7025              STRB     r5,[r4,#0]            ;219
				00007a  bd70              POP      {r4-r6,pc}
				                          DCD      ||area_number.10||
				                          DCD      0x40005000
				                          AREA ||i.Resume_Init||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=2
				                  Resume_Init PROC
				;;;136    *******************************************************************************/
				;;;137    void Resume_Init(void)
				000000  b510              PUSH     {r4,lr}
				;;;138    {
				000002  4c06              LDR      r4,|L4.28|
				;;;139      u16 wCNTR;
				;;;140      /* ------------------ ONLY WITH BUS-POWERED DEVICES ---------------------- */
				;;;141      /* restart the clocks */
				;;;142      /* ...  */
				;;;144      /* CNTR_LPMODE = 0 */
				;;;145      wCNTR = _GetCNTR();
				000004  6820              LDR      r0,[r4,#0]
				000006  b280              UXTH     r0,r0
				;;;146      wCNTR &= (~CNTR_LPMODE);
				000008  f0200004          BIC      r0,r0,#4
				;;;147      _SetCNTR(wCNTR);
				00000c  6020              STR      r0,[r4,#0]
				;;;149      /* restore full power */
				;;;150      /* ... on connected devices */
				;;;151      Leave_LowPowerMode();
				00000e  f7fffffe          BL       Leave_LowPowerMode
				;;;153      /* reset FSUSP bit */
				;;;154      _SetCNTR(IMR_MSK);
				000012  f44f4004          MOV      r0,#0x8400
				000016  6020              STR      r0,[r4,#0]
				;;;156      /* reverse suspend preparation */
				;;;157      /* ... */
				;;;159    }
				000018  bd10              POP      {r4,pc}
				00001a  0000              DCW      0x0000
				                          DCD      0x40005c40
				                          AREA ||i.Suspend||, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=2
				                  Suspend PROC
				;;;102    *******************************************************************************/
				;;;103    void Suspend(void)
				000000  4806              LDR      r0,|L5.28|
				;;;104    {
				;;;105      u16 wCNTR;
				;;;106      /* suspend preparation */
				;;;107      /* ... */
				;;;109      /* macrocell enters suspend mode */
				;;;110      wCNTR = _GetCNTR();
				000002  6801              LDR      r1,[r0,#0]
				000004  b289              UXTH     r1,r1
				;;;111      wCNTR |= CNTR_FSUSP;
				000006  f0410108          ORR      r1,r1,#8
				;;;112      _SetCNTR(wCNTR);
				00000a  6001              STR      r1,[r0,#0]
				;;;114      /* ------------------ ONLY WITH BUS-POWERED DEVICES ---------------------- */
				;;;115      /* power reduction */
				;;;116      /* ... on connected devices */
				;;;119      /* force low-power mode in the macrocell */
				;;;120      wCNTR = _GetCNTR();
				00000c  6801              LDR      r1,[r0,#0]
				00000e  b289              UXTH     r1,r1
				;;;121      wCNTR |= CNTR_LPMODE;
				000010  f0410104          ORR      r1,r1,#4
				;;;122      _SetCNTR(wCNTR);
				000014  6001              STR      r1,[r0,#0]
				;;;124      /* switch-off the clocks */
				;;;125      /* ... */
				;;;126      Enter_LowPowerMode();
				000016  f7ffbffe          B.W      Enter_LowPowerMode
				;;;128    }
				00001a  0000              DCW      0x0000
				                          DCD      0x40005c40
				                          AREA ||.data||, DATA, ALIGN=2
				                          DCD      0x00000000
				                          AREA ||area_number.9||, DATA, ALIGN=0
				                          EXPORTAS ||area_number.9||, ||.data||
				000000  01                DCB      0x01
				                          AREA ||area_number.10||, DATA, ALIGN=0
				                          EXPORTAS ||area_number.10||, ||.data||
				000000  0000              DCB      0x00,0x00
