源代码在线查看: lastdrv2.c
/* LASTDRV2.C -- uses only documented DOS */
unsigned lastdrv;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
asm mov ah, 19h /* C-style comments only */
asm int 21h
asm mov dl, al
asm mov ah, 0x0e /* C-style hex */
asm int 21h /* assembly-style hex */
asm xor ah, ah
asm mov lastdrv, ax /* refer to C variables */
#elif (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 600)) || defined(_QC)
_asm {
mov ah, 19h ; can include assembly-style comments
int 21h /* and C-style as well */
mov dl, al // and this style as well
mov ah, 0x0E ; can include C-style hex numbers
int 21h ; or assembly-style hex numbers
xor ah, ah
mov lastdrv, ax ; can refer to C variables in _asm
#error Requires inline assembler
fputs("LASTDRIVE=", stdout);
putchar('A' - 1 + lastdrv);
return lastdrv;