
源代码在线查看: getopt.t

软件大小: 6493 K
上传用户: heyuyutu
关键词: UNIX perl 代码
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				#!./perl								BEGIN {				    chdir 't' if -d 't';				    @INC = '../lib';				}								print "1..11\n";								use Getopt::Std;								# First we test the getopt function				@ARGV = qw(-xo -f foo -y file);				getopt('f');								print "not " if "@ARGV" ne 'file';				print "ok 1\n";								print "not " unless $opt_x && $opt_o && opt_y;				print "ok 2\n";								print "not " unless $opt_f eq 'foo';				print "ok 3\n";												# Then we try the getopts				$opt_o = $opt_i = $opt_f = undef;				@ARGV = qw(-foi -i file);				getopts('oif:') or print "not ";				print "ok 4\n";								print "not " unless "@ARGV" eq 'file';				print "ok 5\n";								print "not " unless $opt_i and $opt_f eq 'oi';				print "ok 6\n";								print "not " if $opt_o;				print "ok 7\n";								# Try illegal options, but avoid printing of the error message								open(STDERR, ">stderr") || die;								@ARGV = qw(-h help);								!getopts("xf:y") or print "not ";				print "ok 8\n";												# Then try the Getopt::Long module								use Getopt::Long;								@ARGV = qw(--help --file foo --foo --nobar --num=5 -- file);								GetOptions(				   'help'   => \$HELP,				   'file:s' => \$FILE,				   'foo!'   => \$FOO,				   'bar!'   => \$BAR,				   'num:i'  => \$NO,				) || print "not ";				print "ok 9\n";								print "not " unless $HELP && $FOO && !$BAR && $FILE eq 'foo' && $NO == 5;				print "ok 10\n";								print "not " unless "@ARGV" eq "file";				print "ok 11\n";								close STDERR;				unlink "stderr";							
