
源代码在线查看: repeat

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				#! /bin/bash				#				# original from:				# repeat: repeat a command.				# @(#) repeat.ksh 1.1 93/06/03				# 90/05 john h. dubois iii (john@armory.com)				# 90/11 added help				# 93/06/03 Added s, h, p, and v options				#				# conversion to bash v2 syntax done by Chet Ramey								istrue()				{					test 0 -ne "$1"				}								isfalse()				{					test 0 -eq "$1"				}								phelp()				{				echo "$name: repeatedly execute a command line.				$Usage				commandline is executed once for each integer from startcount through endcount				inclusive.  The default for startcount is 1 if a positive endcount or no				endcount is given, and -1 if a negative endcount is given.  A count				parameter consisting of a single number is taken to be an endcount.  If				only an endcount is given and it is positive, commandline is executed				endcount times.  endcount may be less than startcount.  If no endcount is				given (e.g. a count parameter of \"10-\"), commandline execution repeats				indefinitely with the iteration variable incrementing in a positive				direction.  A count parameter of consisting of \"-\" will repeat				indefinitely starting with 1.								Note that quoting and variables in commandline are interpreted twice, once				when it is passed to the repeat command, and once when it is actually executed.								The iteration variable is \"count\".  If \$count is used in commandline, make				sure it is quoted with ' or \.								Options:				-h: Print this help.				-p: Print value of iteration variable on stderr before each iteration.				-s : sleep for  seconds after each iteration except the last.				-v: Print start and end values before beginning."				}								name=${0##*/}				Usage="Usage: repeat [-hpv] [-s ] [[startcount]-][endcount] command [arg ...]"								typeset -i count=1 forever=0 sleep=0 print=0 verbose=0								while getopts :0123456789hpvs: opt; do				    case $opt in				    h) phelp; exit 0;;				    s) sleep=$OPTARG || exit 1;;				    p) print=1;;				    v)verbose=1;;				    [0-9]) break;;				    +?) echo "$name: options should not be preceded by a '+'." 1>&2; exit 2;;				    ?)  echo "$name: $OPTARG: bad option.  Use -h for help." 1>&2; exit 2;;				    esac				done				 				# remove args that were options				shift $((OPTIND-1))								if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then				    echo -e "$Usage\nUse -h for help." 1>&2				    exit 2				fi								case "$1" in				-[0-9]*-|[0-9]*-)				    # Start value only				    count=${1%-}				    forever=1				    end="-1";				    ;;				-[0-9]*-[0-9]*|[0-9]*-[0-9]*)				    # Start and end value				    s=${1%-}				    end=${s##[0-9]*-}				    count=${s%-$end}				    ;;				-[0-9]*|[0-9]*)				    end=$1				    case "$end" in				    -\*)	count=-1;;				    esac				    ;;				-)				    forever=1				    end="-1";				    ;;				*) 				    echo "$name: bad count parameter: $1" 1>&2				    exit 1				    ;;				esac								shift								[ -z "$end" -o $count -le "$end" ] && increment=1 || increment=-1								istrue $verbose && echo "start=$count end=$end" 1>&2								# Need to do this here so that up to this point, -0 will keep the leading -				# and end will not be 0 if no value assigned				typeset -i end								let end+=increment	# make loop inclusive of original endcount								while istrue $forever || [ $count -ne $end ]; do				    istrue $print && echo $count 1>&2				    eval "$@"				    istrue $sleep && sleep $sleep				    let count+=increment				done							
