namazu. 虽然是日语的,也适用于文件中单词索引后全文检索.


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关键词: namazu 索引 检索
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				#				# -*- Perl -*-				# $Id:,v 2001/11/29 09:31:43 kenji Exp $				#				# hnf filter for Namazu 2.0				# version 0.9.15				# 2001/9/15  Kenji Suzuki 				#				# Copyright (C) 1999-2001  Kenji Suzuki, HyperNikkiSystem Project				# All rights reserved.				#				#     This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.				#				#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify				#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by				#  the Free Software Foundation; either versions 2, or (at your option)				#  any later version.				# 				#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful				#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of				#  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the				#  GNU General Public License for more details.				#				#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License				#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software				#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA				#  02111-1307, USA				#				#  This file must be encoded in EUC-JP encoding				#								package hnf;				use strict;				require '';				require '';				require '';												sub mediatype() {				    return ('text/hnf');				}								sub status() {				    return 'yes';				}								sub recursive() {				    return 0;				}								sub pre_codeconv() {				    return 1;				}								sub post_codeconv () {				    return 0;				}								sub add_magic ($) {				    return;				}								sub filter ($$$$$) {				    my ($orig_cfile, $contref, $weighted_str, $headings, $fields)				      = @_;				    my $cfile = defined $orig_cfile ? $$orig_cfile : '';								    util::vprint("Processing hnf file ...\n");								    my $mark = "# ";				    my $end  = "--";				    $mark = "ⅲ" if util::islang("ja");				    $end  = "ⅶ" if util::islang("ja");								    get_uri($cfile, $fields);				    hnf_filter($contref, $weighted_str, $fields, $headings, $cfile, 					$mark, $end);				    html::html_filter($contref, $weighted_str, $fields, $headings);				    $fields->{'summary'} = 					make_summary($contref, $headings, $cfile, $mark, $end);								    gfilter::line_adjust_filter($contref);				    gfilter::line_adjust_filter($weighted_str);				    gfilter::white_space_adjust_filter($contref);				    gfilter::show_filter_debug_info($contref, $weighted_str,							   $fields, $headings);				    return undef;				}								sub hnf_filter ($$$$$$$) {				    my ($contref, $weighted_str, $fields, $headings, $cfile, $mark, $end) = @_;								    $$contref =~ s/				    $$contref =~ s/>/>/g;								    # has OK?				    if ($$contref =~ /^OK$/m) {				        # has correct User Variable?				        my @tmp = split ("OK\n", $$contref);				        my $header = $tmp[0];								        # illeagel hnf header means having no OK				        if ($header =~ /\nCAT |\nNEW\s|\nLNEW |\nRLNEW /) {				            $$contref = "\ncommand_NG\n";	# NG is a pseudo-command				        }				        else {				          $tmp[0] = "";				          $$contref = join("OK\n", @tmp);				          $$contref =~ s/OK\n//;				          $$contref .= "\ncommand_OK\n" . $header;				        }				    }				    # has no OK				    else {				        $$contref = "\ncommand_NG\n";	# NG is a pseudo-command				    }								    # Title & Date string (YYYYMMDD)				    my $title = $cfile;				    $title =~ s/(.*)\/d(\d{8,})\.hnf/$2/;				    my $date = $title;				    $title =~ s/(\d{4,})(\d\d)(\d\d)/$1\/$2\/$3/;				    $$contref = "$title\n" . $$contref;								    # ~				    $$contref =~ s/~\n/\n/g;								    # command				    $$contref =~ s/^GRP (.*)/command_GRP $1/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^CAT (.*)/command_CAT CAT $1/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^NEW\s(.*)/command_NEW $mark$1/gm;				    $$contref =~ 					s/^LNEW (.*?) (.*)/command_LNEW $mark$2/gm;				    $$contref =~ 					s/^RLNEW (.*?) (.*?) (.*)/command_RLNEW $mark$3/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/command_GRP (.*)\n/command_GRP $1 /gm;				    $$contref =~ s/command_CAT (.*)\n/command_CAT $1 /gm;								    # hiding GRP section 				    $$contref =~ s/^command_GRP (.*)(.*)/command_GRP $1 $2/gm					if $hnf::grp_hide;								    $$contref =~ s/^SUB\s(.*)/					command_SUB $1/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^LSUB (.*?) (.*)/					command_LSUB $2/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^RLSUB (.*?) (.*?) (.*)/				        command_RLSUB $3/gm;				 				    $$contref =~ s/^LINK (.*?) (.*)/					command_LINK $2/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^URL (.*?) (.*)/					command_URL $2/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^RLINK (.*?) (.*?) (.*)/					command_RLINK $3/gm;								    $$contref =~ s/^FONT (.*?) (.*?) (.*)/					command_FONT $1 $2 $3/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^SPAN (.*?) (.*)/					command_SPAN $1 $2/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^DIV\s(.*)/					command_DIV $1/gm;								    $$contref =~ s/^PRE\s*$/					command_PRE/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^P\s*$/					command_P/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^CITE\s(.*)/					command_CITE $1/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^RT\s*$/					command_RT/gm;								    $$contref =~ s/\nFN\n/					command_FN\n/g;								    $$contref =~ s/^UL$/					command_UL/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^OL$/					command_OL/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^DL$/					command_DL/gm;								    $$contref =~ s/^\/([A-Z]+)$//gm;								    $$contref =~ s/^LI\s(.*)$/$1/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^DT\s(.*)$/$1/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^DD\s(.*)$/$1/gm;								    $$contref =~ s/^STRIKE (.*)/					command_STRIKE $1/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^LSTRIKE (.*?) (.*)/				        command_LSTRIKE $2/gm;								    $$contref =~ s/^STRONG (.*)/					command_STRONG $1/gm;								    $$contref =~ s/^IMG (.*?) (.*?) (.*)/					command_IMG $1 $2 $3/gm;				    $$contref =~ s/^LIMG (.*?) (.*?) (.*?) (.*)/					command_LIMG $1 $2 $3 $4/gm;								    $$contref =~ s/^MARK (.*)/					command_MARK $1/gm;								    if ($$contref =~ /^ALIAS (.*)/m) {				        read_alias_file() unless $hnf::alias{$1};				    }				    $$contref =~ s/^ALIAS (.*)/					command_ALIAS $hnf::alias{$1}/gm;								    $$contref .= "$end";				    $$contref .= $date;				}								sub get_uri ($$) {				    my ($cfile, $fields) = @_;								    my ($uri);				    my (%param);				    if ($cfile =~ /^(.*)\/d(\d\d\d\d*)([0-1]\d)([0-3])(\d)\.hnf$/) {				      $param{'year'} = $2;				      $param{'month'} = $3;				      $param{'day'} = $4 . $5;				      $param{'hiday'} = $4;				      if ($param{'day'} < 11) {				        $param{'abc'} = "a";				      }				      elsif ($param{'day'} < 21) {				        $param{'abc'} = "b";				      }				      else {				        $param{'abc'} = "c";				      }				      if ($hnf::link_templ) {					$uri = $hnf::link_templ;				      }				      elsif ($hnf::hns_version >= 2) {				        $uri = '?%year%month%abc#%year%month%day0'; # for hns-2.00 or later				      }				      else {				        $uri = '?%year%month%hiday#%year%month%day0'; # for hns-1.x				      }				      $uri =~ s/%%/\34/g;				      $uri =~ s/%{?([a-z]+)}?/$param{$1}/g;				      $uri =~ s/\34/%/g;				      $uri = $hnf::diary_uri . $uri;				      $uri =~ s/%7E/~/i;				    }				    $fields->{'uri'} = $uri;				    $fields->{'author'} = $hnf::author;				}								sub make_summary ($$$$$) {				    my ($contref, $headings, $cfile, $mark, $end) = @_;								    # pick up $conf::MAX_FIELD_LENGTH bytes string				    my $tmp = "";				    if ($$headings ne "") {				        $$headings =~ s/^\s+//;				        $$headings =~ s/\s+/ /g;				        $tmp = $$headings;					$tmp = "" if $tmp eq "$end ";	# for no OK hnf				    } else {				        $tmp = "";				    }								    my $offset = 0;				    my $tmplen = 0;				    my $tmp2 = $$contref;								    # hiding GRP section				    if ($hnf::grp_hide) {				        while ($tmp2 =~ /\ncommand_GRP /) {				            $tmp2 =~ s/\ncommand_GRP .*?\ncommand_/\ncommand_/gs;				        }				    }								    $tmp2 =~ s/\ncommand_OK\n.*//s;	# remove below of command_OK				    $tmp2 =~ s/\ncommand_NG\n.*//s;	# remove below of command_NG				    $tmp2 =~ s/command_CAT CAT .*//gm;				    $tmp2 =~ s/command_[A-Z]+//g;				    $tmp2 =~ s/^! .*$//gm;				    $tmp2 =~ s/^!# .*$//gm;								    while (($tmplen = $conf::MAX_FIELD_LENGTH + 1 - length($tmp)) > 0				           && $offset < length($tmp2))				    {				        $tmp .= substr $tmp2, $offset, $tmplen;				        $offset += $tmplen;				        $tmp =~ s/(([\xa1-\xfe]).)/$2 eq "\xa8" ? '': $1/ge;				        $tmp =~ s/([-=*\#])\1{2,}/$1$1/g;				    }								    my $summary = substr $tmp, 0, $conf::MAX_FIELD_LENGTH;				    my $kanji = $summary =~ tr/\xa1-\xfe/\xa1-\xfe/;				    $summary .= substr($tmp, $conf::MAX_FIELD_LENGTH, 1) if $kanji %2;				    $summary =~ s/^\s+//;				    $summary =~ s/\s+/ /g;   # normalize white spaces								    return $summary;				}								sub read_alias_file () {				    if (-f $hnf::alias_file) {				        my $def = util::readfile($hnf::alias_file);				        my @aliases = split("\n", $def);				        foreach (@aliases) {				            if ($_ =~ /(\S+) (.*)/) {				                $hnf::alias{$1} = $2;				                util::vprint("alias: $1 $2\n");				            }				        }				    }				}								1;							
