
源代码在线查看: wav.h

软件大小: 1052 K
上传用户: shkk21
关键词: SND1 89C C51 SND
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				* NAME:         wav.h
				* Copyright (c) 2003 Atmel.
				* RELEASE:      snd1c-refd-nf-4_0_3      
				* REVISION:     1.3     
				* This file contains the wav file header definition
				* ================
				* RIFF Chunk (12 bytes in length total)
				* -------------------------------------
				* Byte Nb
				* 0 - 3     "RIFF" (ASCII Characters)
				* 4 - 7     Total Length Of Package To Follow (Binary, little endian)
				* 8 - 11    "WAVE" (ASCII Characters)
				* FORMAT Chunk (24 bytes in length total)
				* ---------------------------------------
				* Byte Nb
				* 0 - 3     "fmt " (ASCII Characters)
				* 4 - 7     Length Of FORMAT Chunk (Binary, always 0x10)
				* 8 - 9     Always 0x01
				* 10 - 11   Channel Numbers (Always 0x01=Mono, 0x02=Stereo)
				* 12 - 15   Sample Rate (Binary, in Hz)
				* 16 - 19   Bytes Per Second
				* 20 - 21   Bytes Per Sample: 1= 8b Mono, 2= 8b Stereo or 16b Mono, 4= 16b Stereo
				* 22 - 23   Bits Per Sample
				* DATA Chunk
				* ----------
				* Byte Nb
				* 0 - 3     "data" (ASCII Characters)
				* 4 - 7     Length Of Data To Follow
				* 8 - end   Data (Samples)
				* -------
				* 0000  52 49 46 46 46 2D 00 00-57 41 56 45 66 6D 74 20   RIFFF-..WAVEfmt
				* 0010  10 00 00 00 01 00 01 00-22 56 00 00 22 56 00 00   ........"V.."V..
				* 0020  01 00 08 00 64 61 74 61-22 2D 00 00 80 80 80 80   ....data"-......
				* 0030  80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80-80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80   ................
				* 0040  80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80-80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80   ................
				* As expected, the file begins with the ASCII characters "RIFF" identifying
				* it as a WAV file. The next four bytes tell us the length is 0x2D46 bytes
				* (11590 bytes in decimal) which is the length of the entire file minus the
				* 8 bytes for the "RIFF" and length (11598 - 11590 = 8 bytes).
				* The ASCII characters for "WAVE" and "fmt " follow. Next (line 2 above) we
				* find the value 0x00000010 in the first 4 bytes (length of format chunk:
				* always constant at 0x10). The next four bytes are 0x0001 (Always) and
				* 0x0001 (A mono WAV, one channel used). 
				* Since this is a 8-bit WAV, the sample rate and the bytes/second are the
				* same at 0x00005622 or 22,050 in decimal. For a 16-bit stereo WAV the
				* bytes/sec would be 4 times the sample rate. The next 2 bytes show the
				* number of bytes per sample to be 0x0001 (8-bit mono) and the number of
				* bits per sample to be 0x0008. 
				* Finally, the ASCII characters for "data" appear followed by 0x00002D22
				* (11,554 decimal) which is the number of bytes of data to follow (actual
				* samples). The data is a value from 0x00 to 0xFF. In the example above 0x80
				* would represent "0" or silence on the output since the DAC used to playback
				* samples is a bipolar device (i.e. a value of 0x00 would output a negative
				* voltage and a value of 0xFF would output a positive voltage at the output
				* of the DAC on the sound card)
				#ifndef _WAV_H_
				#define _WAV_H_
				/*_____ I N C L U D E S ____________________________________________________*/
				/*_____ M A C R O S ________________________________________________________*/
				#define WAV_HEADER_SIZE   sizeof(wav_struct)
				#define WAV_HEADER {{{'R','I','F','F'}, LE32((Uint32)36), {'W','A','V','E'}},\
				                    {{'f','m','t',' '}, FMT_LENGTH, PCM_FMT, MONO, LE32((Uint32)(1000/SAMPLING_PERIOD)), LE32((Uint32)(1000/SAMPLING_PERIOD)), ONE_BYTE, EIGHT_BIT},\
				                    {{'d','a','t','a'}, LE32((Uint32)0)}}
				/* RIFF info */
				#define RIFF_FIELD        'RIFF'
				#define WAVE_FIELD        'WAVE'
				/* FMT info */
				#define FMT_FIELD         'FMT '
				#define FMT_LENGTH        LE32((Uint32)(16))  /* data start beg of sector */
				/* wave format */
				#define PCM_FMT           ((Uint16)0x0100)
				/* channel number */
				#define MONO              ((Uint16)0x0100)
				#define STEREO            ((Uint16)0x0200)
				/* bytes per sample */
				#define ONE_BYTE          ((Uint16)0x0100)
				#define TWO_BYTE          ((Uint16)0x0200)
				/* bits per sample */
				#define EIGHT_BIT         ((Uint16)0x0800)
				#define SIXTEEN_BIT       ((Uint16)0x1000)
				/* DATA info */
				#define DATA_FIELD        'data'
				/*_____ D E F I N I T I O N ________________________________________________*/
				/* WAV Format Structure */
				typedef struct
				{ /* RIFF info */
				  char    riff[4];
				  Uint32  pack_length;
				  char    wave[4];
				} riff_struct;
				typedef struct
				{ /* FMT info */
				  char    fmt[4];
				  Uint32  fmt_length;
				  Uint16  wav_format; 
				  Uint16  channel_nb;
				  Uint32  sample_rate;
				  Uint32  bytes_per_second;
				  Uint16  bytes_per_sample;
				  Uint16  bits_per_sample;
				} fmt_struct;
				typedef struct
				{ /* DATA info */
				  char    dat[4];
				  Uint32  data_length;
				} data_struct;
				typedef struct
				  riff_struct   rif_info;
				  fmt_struct    fmt_info;
				  data_struct   dat_info;
				} wav_struct;
				/*_____ D E C L A R A T I O N ______________________________________________*/
				#endif  /* _WAV_H_ */
