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				/* $Id: dwt.cpp,v 1.1 2003/05/05 21:23:57 wmaycisco Exp $ */				/****************************************************************************/				/*   MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software                        */				/*                                                                          */				/*   This software was jointly developed by the following participants:     */				/*                                                                          */				/*   Single-quant,  multi-quant and flow control                            */				/*   are provided by  Sarnoff Corporation                                   */				/*     Iraj Sodagar   (iraj@sarnoff.com)                                    */				/*     Hung-Ju Lee    (hjlee@sarnoff.com)                                   */				/*     Paul Hatrack   (hatrack@sarnoff.com)                                 */				/*     Shipeng Li     (shipeng@sarnoff.com)                                 */				/*     Bing-Bing Chai (bchai@sarnoff.com)                                   */				/*     B.S. Srinivas  (bsrinivas@sarnoff.com)                               */				/*                                                                          */				/*   Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments                              */				/*     Jie Liang      (liang@ti.com)                                        */				/*                                                                          */				/*   Shape Coding is provided by  OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd.           */				/*     Zhixiong Wu    (sgo@hlabs.oki.co.jp)                                 */				/*     Yoshihiro Ueda (yueda@hlabs.oki.co.jp)                               */				/*     Toshifumi Kanamaru (kanamaru@hlabs.oki.co.jp)                        */				/*                                                                          */				/*   OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream         */				/*   exchange and bug fixing.                                               */				/*                                                                          */				/*                                                                          */				/* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software       */				/* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as     */				/* specified by the MPEG-4 standard.                                        */				/*                                                                          */				/* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use     */				/* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this  software module or      */				/* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming         */				/* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard.                                      */				/*                                                                          */				/* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software      */				/* products are advised that use may infringe existing  patents. The        */				/* original developers of this software module and their companies, the     */				/* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability    */				/* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or         */				/* modification thereof in an implementation.                               */				/*                                                                          */				/* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify,              */				/* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof )              */				/* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11.              */				/*                                                                          */				/* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC                                 */				/****************************************************************************/								/************************************************************/				/*     Sarnoff Very Low Bit Rate Still Image Coder          */				/*     Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Sarnoff Corporation */				/************************************************************/								/* Forward DWT for MPEG-4 Still Texture Coding 				Original Coded by Shipeng Li, Sarnoff Corporation, Jan. 1998*/								#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include 				#include "basic.hpp"				#include "dwt.h"								/* Function:    DWT()				   Description: Forward DWT for MPEG-4 Still Texture Coding 				   Input:								   InData -- Input Image data of Width x Height size, data type decided by				             InDataType;				   InMask -- Input Object Mask for InData, if ==1, data inside object, 				             otherwise outside.				   Width  -- Width of Image (must be multiples of 2^nLevels);				   Height -- Height of Image (must be multiples of 2^nLevels);				   nLevels -- number of decomposition level,0 being original image;				   InDataType -- 0 - BYTE; 1 -- SHORT				   Filter     -- Filter Used.								   Output:								   OutCoeff   -- Ouput wavelet coefficients				   OutMask    -- Output mask corresponding to wavelet coefficients								   Return: DWT_OK if success.  				*/								Int VTCDWT:: do_DWT(Void *InData, UChar *InMask, Int Width, Int Height, Int nLevels,					 Int InDataType, FILTER **Filter,  DATA *OutCoeff, UChar *OutMask)								{				  Int nBits, MaxCoeff, MinCoeff;				  Int level;				  double *tempCoeff;				  Int ret;				  double *a;				  Int *b;				  UChar *c;				  UShort *s;								   /* Check filter class first */				  for(level=0;level				    if(Filter[level]->DWT_Class != DWT_ODD_SYMMETRIC && Filter[level]->DWT_Class != DWT_EVEN_SYMMETRIC ) {				      return(DWT_FILTER_UNSUPPORTED);				    }				  }								  /* Check output coefficient buffer capacity */				  nBits = sizeof(Int)*8;				  MaxCoeff = (1				  MinCoeff = -(1				  /* Limit nLevels as: 0 - 15*/				  if(nLevels < 0 || nLevels >=16) return(DWT_INVALID_LEVELS);				  /* Check Width and Height, must be multiples of 2^nLevels */				  if((Width &( (1				  if((Height &( (1				  /* Zero Level of Decomposition */				  /* copy coefficients */				  if(InDataType==0) { /* BYTE */				    for(b=OutCoeff,c=(UChar*)InData;b				     *b =(Int) *c;				    }				  }				  else {				    for(b=OutCoeff,s=(UShort*)InData;b				      *b = (Int) *s;				    }				  }				  /* copy mask */				  memcpy(OutMask, InMask, sizeof(UChar)*Width*Height);				  				  /* Double precision calculation if required */				  if(nLevels>0 && Filter[0]->DWT_Type==DWT_DBL_TYPE) {				    /* allocate temp double buffer */				    tempCoeff = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*Width*Height);				    if(tempCoeff == NULL) return(DWT_MEMORY_FAILED);				    /* copy zero level decomposition results to temp buffer */				    for(a=tempCoeff, b=OutCoeff;a				      *a = (double) *b;				    }				    /* Perform the double DWT */				    for(level=1;level				      /* Decompose one level */				      ret=DecomposeOneLevelDbl(tempCoeff, OutMask, Width, Height, 							       level, Filter[level-1]);				      if(ret!=DWT_OK) {					free(tempCoeff);					return(ret);				      }				    }				    /* copy the double coefficients back to OutCoeff */				    for(b=OutCoeff,a=tempCoeff;b				      Int iTmp;				      iTmp = (Int)floor(*a+0.5); /* rounding */				      if(iTmp> MaxCoeff || iTmp< MinCoeff) {					/* fprIntf(stderr,"iTmp=%d %f\n",iTmp, *a); */					free(tempCoeff);					return(DWT_COEFF_OVERFLOW);				      }				      else					*b = (Int) iTmp;				    }				    free(tempCoeff);				  }				  else if(Filter[0]->DWT_Type==DWT_INT_TYPE) {				    /* Perform the Int DWT */				    for(level=1;level				      ret=DecomposeOneLevelInt(OutCoeff, OutMask, Width, Height, 							       level, Filter[level-1], MaxCoeff, MinCoeff);				      if(ret!=DWT_OK) return(ret);				    }				  }				  				  return(DWT_OK);				}				/* Function: RemoveDCMean 				   Description: Remove the Mean of DC coefficients				   Input:				   				   Mask -- Mask for the transformed coeffs				   Width -- Width of the original image				   Height -- Height of the original image				   nLevels -- levels of DWT decomposition performed								   Input/Output:								   Coeff -- DWT coefficients after nLevels of decomposition				   				   Return: Mean of the DC coefficients */								Int VTCDWT:: RemoveDCMean(Int *Coeff, UChar *Mask, Int Width, Int Height, Int nLevels)				{				  Int DCMean=0;				  Int width = (Width >> nLevels), height = (Height >> nLevels);				  Int k;				  Int *a;				  UChar *c;				  Int Count=0;				  for(k=0; k				    for(a=Coeff+k,c=Mask+k; a < Coeff+k+width; a++,c++) {				      if(*c == DWT_IN) {						Count++;						DCMean += (Int) *a;					/* prIntf("%d\n", *a); */				      }				    }				  }				  if(Count!=0) DCMean = (Int)((Float)DCMean/((Float)(Count				  else DCMean = 0;								  DCMean = DCMean								  for(k=0; k				    for(a=Coeff+k,c=Mask+k; a < Coeff+k+width; a++,c++)  {				      if(*c == DWT_IN) *a-=DCMean;				    }				  }				  return(DCMean>>nLevels);				}															
