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				--  GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Error handling.				--  Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold				--				--  GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under				--  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free				--  Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later				--  version.				--				--  GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY				--  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or				--  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License				--  for more details.				--				--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License				--  along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free				--  Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA				--  02111-1307, USA.				with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;				with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;				with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;				with Grt.Options; use Grt.Options;								package body Grt.Errors is				   procedure Fatal_Error;				   pragma No_Return (Fatal_Error);				   pragma Export (C, Fatal_Error, "__ghdl_fatal");								   --  Called in case of premature exit.				   --  CODE is 0 for success, 1 for failure.				   procedure Ghdl_Exit (Code : Integer);				   pragma No_Return (Ghdl_Exit);								   procedure Ghdl_Exit (Code : Integer)				   is				      procedure C_Exit (Status : Integer);				      pragma Import (C, C_Exit, "exit");				      pragma No_Return (C_Exit);				   begin				      if Ghdl_Exit_Cb1 /= null then				         Ghdl_Exit_Cb1.all (Code);				      end if;								      if Ghdl_Exit_Cb /= null then				         Ghdl_Exit_Cb.all (Code);				      end if;				      C_Exit (Code);				   end Ghdl_Exit;								   procedure Maybe_Return_Via_Longjump (Val : Integer);				   pragma Import (C, Maybe_Return_Via_Longjump,				                  "__ghdl_maybe_return_via_longjump");								   procedure Fatal_Error is				   begin				      Maybe_Return_Via_Longjump (-1);				      if Expect_Failure then				         Ghdl_Exit (0);				      else				         Ghdl_Exit (1);				      end if;				   end Fatal_Error;								   procedure Put_Err (Str : String) is				   begin				      Put (stderr, Str);				   end Put_Err;								   procedure Put_Err (Str : Ghdl_C_String) is				   begin				      Put (stderr, Str);				   end Put_Err;								   procedure Put_Err (N : Integer) is				   begin				      Put_I32 (stderr, Ghdl_I32 (N));				   end Put_Err;								   procedure Newline_Err is				   begin				      New_Line (stderr);				   end Newline_Err;								--    procedure Put_Err (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type)				--    is				--       S : String (1 .. 3);				--    begin				--       if Str.Str = null then				--          S (1) := ''';				--          S (2) := Character'Val (Str.Len);				--          S (3) := ''';				--          Put_Err (S);				--       else				--          Put_Err (Str.Str (1 .. Str.Len));				--       end if;				--    end Put_Err;								   procedure Report_H (Str : String := "") is				   begin				      Put_Err (Str);				   end Report_H;								   procedure Report_C (Str : String) is				   begin				      Put_Err (Str);				   end Report_C;								   procedure Report_C (Str : Ghdl_C_String)				   is				      Len : Natural := strlen (Str);				   begin				      Put_Err (Str (1 .. Len));				   end Report_C;								   procedure Report_C (N : Integer)				     renames Put_Err;								   procedure Report_Now_C is				   begin				      Put_Time (stderr, Grt.Types.Current_Time);				   end Report_Now_C;								   procedure Report_E (Str : String) is				   begin				      Put_Err (Str);				      Newline_Err;				   end Report_E;								   procedure Error_H is				   begin				      Put_Err (Progname);				      Put_Err (":error: ");				   end Error_H;								   Cont : Boolean := False;								   procedure Error_C (Str : String) is				   begin				      if not Cont then				         Error_H;				         Cont := True;				      end if;				      Put_Err (Str);				   end Error_C;								   procedure Error_C (Str : Ghdl_C_String)				   is				      Len : Natural := strlen (Str);				   begin				      if not Cont then				         Error_H;				         Cont := True;				      end if;				      Put_Err (Str (1 .. Len));				   end Error_C;								   procedure Error_C (N : Integer) is				   begin				      if not Cont then				         Error_H;				         Cont := True;				      end if;				      Put_Err (N);				   end Error_C;								--    procedure Error_C (Inst : Ghdl_Instance_Name_Acc)				--    is				--    begin				--       if not Cont then				--          Error_H;				--          Cont := True;				--       end if;				--       if Inst.Parent /= null then				--          Error_C (Inst.Parent);				--          Put_Err (".");				--       end if;				--       case Inst.Kind is				--          when Ghdl_Name_Architecture =>				--             Put_Err ("(");				--             Put_Err (Inst.Name.all);				--             Put_Err (")");				--          when others =>				--             if Inst.Name /= null then				--                Put_Err (Inst.Name.all);				--             end if;				--       end case;				--    end Error_C;								   procedure Error_E (Str : String) is				   begin				      Put_Err (Str);				      Newline_Err;				      Cont := False;				      Fatal_Error;				   end Error_E;								   procedure Error (Str : String) is				   begin				      Error_H;				      Put_Err (Str);				      Newline_Err;				      Fatal_Error;				   end Error;								   procedure Info (Str : String) is				   begin				      Put_Err (Progname);				      Put_Err (":info: ");				      Put_Err (Str);				      Newline_Err;				   end Info;								   procedure Internal_Error (Msg : String) is				   begin				      Put_Err (Progname);				      Put_Err (":internal error: ");				      Put_Err (Msg);				      Newline_Err;				      Fatal_Error;				   end Internal_Error;								   procedure Grt_Overflow_Error is				   begin				      Error ("overflow detected");				   end Grt_Overflow_Error;				end Grt.Errors;							
